上篇我们介绍了顶级楼盘One57,本篇将带你一睹One57的样板间的风采。 The Last article we introduced the top event One57, this article will take you to see the One57 model style.
此样板房由著名室内设计公司DrakeAnderson设计。DrakeAnderson由JAMIE DRAKE和CALEB ANDERSON合作创立于2015年12月。 This model room by the famous interior design company DrakeAnderson design. DrakeAnderson by DRAKE CALEB and ANDERSON JAMIE co founded in December 2015.
下面我们就来了解一下DrakeAnderson设计公司 Here we come to understand the DrakeAnderson design company 杰米德雷克 / JAMIEDRAKE 企业合伙人 / Partner at Drake/Anderson 毕业于帕森斯设计学院 / Parsons School of Design(1975-1978) DrakeDesign的创始人 / Drake Design Associates(1978 – 2015)
在纽约, 杰米德雷克是一些闪闪发光社会场所的常客,是许多这个国家最迷人的空间的作者,具有令人印象深刻的客户名单,包括纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格和Madonna。 Afixture in New York’s glittering social scene, Jamie Drake is the author ofsome of this country’s most glamorous spaces, having completed countlessinteriors for an impressive roster of clients, including New York Mayor MichaelBloomberg and Madonna.
他自2012已是elle装饰一流的设计师成员,为2016建筑文摘AD100名单中一员,他拥有许多其他行业的荣誉还包括他的时尚集团国际夜的室内设计群星奖,作为一个大师级的设计师,他进入室内设计杂志的设计名人堂。 Hehas been a member of ELLE DECOR ’s prestigious A-List since 2012, and wasrecently named to the 2016 Architectural Digest AD100 list, His numerous otherindustry honors also include his Fashion Group International Night of StarsAward for Interior Design, as a Master Class designer and his induction intoInterior Design magazine’s Interior Design Hall of Fame. 迦勒安德森 / CALEB ANDERSON 企业管理者 / Co-Principal at Drake / Anderson 毕业于帕森斯设计学院 / Texas StateUniversity(2005 – 2008) Owner& Principal Designer / DrakeAnderson(2015年 12 月 – 至今 ) InteriorDesigner & Project Manager / MRArchitecture & Decor(2014) InteriorDesigner / DrakeDesign Associates(2010– 2013) 安德森师承AD100设计师Jamie Drake和建筑师David Mann。在2013年他脱颖而出,积累了很多奖项和荣誉,比如一个令人印象深刻的评价:一个“六面秀”,“后起之秀”,与“室内设计新星”。此外,乔林还曾出现在Traditional Home, Luxe, Domino和其他出版物。 Anderson honed his craft under direction of AD100designer Jamie Drake and architect David Mann. Strikingout on his own in 2013, Anderson amassed an impressive string of awards andhonors such as: “Six Faces to Watch”, “Rising Star”, and “RisingStar of Interior Design”. In addition, Anderson has been featured inTraditional Home, Luxe, Domino, and other publications. 迦勒安德森设计的服务涵盖设计过程的全范围包括室内装饰设计、建筑设计、项目管理和定制家具设计。”我们的经验使我们能够执行所有的任务,能源,仪表和卓越。” Caleb Anderson Design’s services span the fullscope of the design process and include interior design & decoration,construction design, project management, and custom furniture design. "Ourexperience allows us to perform all tasks with energy, meter, andexcellence."
1.Designer Showhouse of New York — New York, NY ![](http://img.mt-bbs.com/forum/201610/05/203229frz3bop2rr2r3leg.jpg.thumb.jpg)
2.House Beautiful Designer Visions Showhouse 3.Kips Bay Decorator Show House 2016 — New York, NY 4.Upper West Side Residence
公司地址:67 Irving Place, 12th Floor, New York,10003