杭州洲际酒店坐落于杭州中央商务区,市民中心,波浪文化城和杭州大剧院皆在咫尺。杭州酒店距杭州萧山国际机场25分钟车程,20分钟即可到达西湖及购物中心。Hotel open: 28 Dec, 2010
Central located inbeautiful and scenic Hangzhou Qianjiang New Town, nestled in the pride of thecity - an integrated complex that houses the Civic Centre, the WaveCultureCity and the GrandTheatre. Hotel is 25 minutes to HangzhouXiaoshanInternationalAirport, 20 minutes to train stationand 25 minutes to Westlakeand all key shopping locations.
外观像个大金球的杭州洲际酒店的主体部分是直径为85米的球形主楼,因为采用了现代材料复合板和金色玻璃相结合作为幕墙,使得整个建筑金光闪闪,如同钱塘江边一轮初升的太阳。 |