巴黎乔治五世四季酒店 矗立于塞纳河畔 她是巴黎“宫殿级”酒店翘楚 也是世界上最为梦幻美妙的酒店 Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris locates at the Seine. It’s an outstanding “palace” type hotel in Paris, also the most beautiful and dreaming hotel in the world.
自1928年起便伫立于乔治五世大道上 像情人般与埃菲尔铁塔相望 等待塞纳河的渡轮经过 前身是乔治五世饭店 酒店历经二战硝烟 如今,因地理位置优越而赢得了广阔的发展空间 Since 1928, it has stand in George V Avenue. Looking at Eiffel Tower like a lover, waiting for the ferry on the Seine to pass by. Before it was George V Restaurant and it has gone through the fire of World War II. Now, for the advantage of location, it has a broad space for development.
01 历史就这样流过 豪华的风格、体贴的服务 1928年开业伊始,乔治五世酒店就闻名于世 History has passed like this. Deluxe styles and considerate services, by which George V Hotel has been famous since 1928.
她是当时第一批采用现代设施的酒店 每间客房外都安装了电话和酒店服务线 每间套房有两间浴室 每间客房配有衣柜 客房层超宽的走廊避免了行李会造成的拥堵情况 …… At that time, it’s one of the first batch hotels which were put in modern facilities. There was a phone with a hotel service line out of each room. Two bath rooms and one wardrobe for each suit room. Crowd could be avoided in the wide hallway on guest room floors ...
众多名人都曾慕名而来酒店 玛琳·黛德丽、让·迦本、贾利·古柏、 甲壳虫乐队、杰拉尔德· 福特总统等 伊丽莎白· 泰勒与第二任丈夫在此欢度蜜月时光 1964 年“披头士热”传到了美国,甲壳虫乐队迎来了乐队生涯的高潮,约翰列侬和保罗麦卡特尼在乔治五世酒店的套房里谱写完成了他们的热门单曲“I feel fine”。 Many famous people have come here for its good reputation. In 1964, beetles completed their top song “I feel fine” in one suit room of George V Hotel.
02 动人的花香 四季酒店于1997 年接手饭店 是四季酒店集团在法国的首家酒店 2000 年装修后重新开业 巴黎乔治五世四季酒店鲜花芬芳 Touching flower aroma. The restaurant department of this Four Seasons Hotel was started in 1997. It was started again in 2000 after the refurbishment. Full of aromatic fresh flowers.
每周大约有12000枝鲜花被布置摆放在 酒店的10个重要位置 还会有150个小型花束放在酒店的各个角落 整个乔治五世四季酒店都笼罩在迷人的花香中 Every week there are about 12,000 flowers set in 10 important places in the hotel. And 150 bouquets of flowers are set in different corners. The whole Four Seasons Hotel George V is immersed in the attractive aroma.
03 浮世优居 伫立在巴黎中心位置 周围环绕着卢浮宫蒙娜丽莎的唯美庄重 圣母院教堂玫瑰窗的精致典雅 凡尔赛宫的奢华 A superior living place. It stands in the center of Paris, surrounded by Mona Lisa of the grand Louvre Museum, delicate rosy windows of the church of Notre- Dame, and the luxury of Chateau de Versailles.
独特的风格、完美的服务 对客人全方位的关心 经历了二战的战火和易主的翻新 乔治五世四季酒店客房迎来了崭新的风貌 Special styles and perfect services, for the omni- directional consideration to customers. After the fire of World War II and the refurbishment, Four Seasons Hotel George V has turned into a brandy new look.
私人巴黎公寓风格的设计 完美结合现代简约与法式传统奢华风格 大面积采光,房间尽显优雅 The design of private Paris apartments has been integrated with modern simple and French traditional styles. Elegant rooms with a lot of sunshine come through.
顶楼套房、皇家套房和总统套房极尽奢华优雅 皇家套房郁郁葱葱的花植结合温暖的主色调 总统套房简约的主体 在装饰的细节中又流露出优雅大气的风格 Top suit rooms, royal suit rooms and president suit rooms are all luxury and elegant.
酒店餐厅LE CINQ由三位星级主厨坐镇 一年四季都让您尽享四季酒店的美食 Three star- level chefs of the hotel restaurant can make you enjoy the delicious food of Four Seasons Hotel in four seasons.
酒店在建造之初地基便深入前采石场 酒店的酒窖由石头筑成 酒架全部是由铆钉固定在石板之上 来到乔治五世四季酒店一定要来他的酒窖体验 开一瓶酒,等上一个小时 The wine cellar of this hotel is built with stones. All wine shelves are riveted on slates. When you come to Four Seasons Hotel George V, it’s a must to open a wine in the cellar and wait for one hour.
百年间 乔治五世酒店静谧于此 以自身的魅力吸引了一代又一代的人们前来 巴黎乔治五世四季酒店 仿佛一座迷人的古堡 只是默默的注视便会让人流连忘返 During hundreds years, George V Hotel has stand here quietly, attracting generations of people to come here. It is like one charming castle, making people enjoy themselves so much as to forget to leave.