由香港JR承担设计的四川绵阳史上最大文旅和养老度假综合体于2017年2月24日在各界人士关注下破士动工,首期国际5星级及公寓和配套设施将于2019年峻工试运行!其余500万方建设量将用5年施工完毕!届时,一个西南最大,最具创新,集养老,度假,5S和极具开创营造模式的新型复合型养老,度假,文旅产品将全面展开! The largest complex of cultural tourism and pension resorts in the history of Mianyang, Sichuan, designed by HK JR, was ground- broken on Feb. 24, 2017, with the attention of people from all walks of life. The first stage of the international five- star apartments and the matching facilities will try to be run in 2019! The rest 5 million square meter area will be completed in 5 years! At that time, the largest, most innovative, and very lucrative product in the southwest, integrated with pension, resorts, 5S, culture, and tourism, will be developed in its full swing!