鲜花、大餐和酒店,似乎已经成为了情人节的标配。与其费尽心思地另辟蹊径,不如俗气一回,认真地挑一家酒店。可是这世界上的酒店成千上万,并不是每一家都适合情人节的浪漫度假,而要说到浪漫,则必然首选私密性极佳的私宅型度假酒店。 Among the thousands of hotels in the world, not everyone is suitable for romantic valentine holidays. For romance, the first choice is private- house- style resort hotels.
No.1 山里逸居 Shanli Easy House农舍里的北欧生活 North European Life
>>>>所在地:北京密云县黄岩口 Huangyankou, Miyun County, Beijing.
在北京以北仅90公里的黄岩口,宁静的山谷中藏着这样一个地方,“山里”。她的诞生凝结着创建者对人与自然共生关系的深深敬意。“山里”有五个院子,都是由村民的老房子加上设计改造,所以山里的建造离不开当地村民的密切参与,之后他们的生息也互相依存而发展。无论是当地民居的精巧样式,还是当地居民生活的简单闲适,都为山里的现代加上传统的注脚,写下独一无二的格局。 Shanli locates in a quite valley of Huangyankou, which means a great respect from the founder to the dependent relation between humans and nature. Shanli includes 5 yards which came from the reform of the old houses in the village. The delicate styles and the simple, cozy life of local people have added traditional elements to the modernization of the mountain.
No.2 香樟华苹 KAYUMANIS Nanjing流淌了1500年之久的温泉水 Spring Water of 1500 Years
>>>>所在地:南京江宁区汤山镇 Tangshan Town, Jiangning District, Nanjing.
流淌了1500年的、以前只能被皇室享用的汤山温泉,如今也平民了一把,在南京香樟华苹温泉度假别墅你自己的房间里,就可以随时跳入温暖的池中,享受皇上的待遇。试想一下,在冬季寒冷的江南地带,边泡汤边欣赏远山雪景,是件多么美妙的事情! You can jump into the warm pool in your own room in the spring resort villa of KAYUMANIS Nanjing, to enjoy the imperial treatment. Tangshan Spring with a history of 1500 years was only for the imeprial family before.
No.3 裸心谷 Naked Retreats重新回到自然的怀抱 Return to Nature
>>>>所在地:浙江德清县莫干山风景区 Mogan Mountain Scenic Area, Zhejiang.
“裸心”意味着回归本质,过简单的生活。所有建筑和环境设计也秉承了生态环保的理念,主要建筑由树顶别墅和夯土圆形小屋组成,树顶别墅可以接待两个和三个家庭,夯土圆形小屋很适合情侣居住,树顶别墅基本都建在山脊之上,每一栋别墅都拥有怡人的风景。 Naked hearts mean going back to reality and living a simple life. Ecological environment protection is inherited in the designs of all architectures and environment.
No.4 松赞梅里 SONGTSAM LODGES不为修来世,只为途中与你相见 Not for Future, Only for Meeting You In the Way
>>>>所在地:云南德钦 Deqin, Yunnan
松赞在云南的这一系列酒店,有点类似安缦在不丹的酒店群落。梅里和塔城应该是最值得造访和最浪漫的。梅里的这间酒店几乎每个客房都能看到雪山,能看到日照金山的景色,看星星分分钟的事。卡瓦格博——雪山之神,浪漫能不去看雪山吗? Meili and Tacheng should be the most romantic and most valuable places to visit. Almost from every guest room in this hotel, you can see the stars and the golden mountains in the sunshine.
No.5 杭州西溪悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Hangzhou一派氤氲婉约的江南水乡 Graceful Jiangnan Water Village
>>>>所在地:杭州西溪天堂国际旅游综合体2号 No. 2, Paradise International Tourism Complex, Xixi, Hangzhou. 位于杭州的悦榕庄,周边河道交错、鱼塘散步,一派氤氲婉约的江南水乡风韵。在度假村中赏景、品茶,每一处都是古色古香的浪漫情致, 漫步湖心亭上,也做一回烟雨画中人。一排排依景而建的粉墙黛瓦别墅群,就像是一座座大户人家的私人宅邸,独门独院的设计你可放心的沉浸在属于你们的二人世界。 Banyan Tree Hangzhou has a graceful style of Jiangnan water village, with rivers crossing around. In the resort village, you can enjoy the view and drink tea. There is ancient romance everywhere.