艺术是最伟大的东西,而我们则是将美好空间事物一一呈现。 Artis the greatest thing, and what we do is just presented good things one by one. 天之蓝,海之角。碧蓝的天空,湛蓝的让我们从海的世界延伸一股温暖的力量,在入口墙面上波光粼粼,泛起水的轻盈。 Thespace of the blue sky, the angle of the sea. The sea level extending to bluesky which like a warm and strength power surrounding us. Sparkling on theentrance wall like the water waving on the level. 在轴线上形成回廊赋予空间更多的精神内涵。这条轴线由内发散,成为了整个空间的联系唯一界质。每一件艺术品保持对称,个性突出,别致而典雅。 The formation of corridors onthe axis given us more space andspiritual connotation. This axis is distributed in the entire space, become theonly communication medium. Each piece of art not only maintain symmetry ,butalso outstanding personality and chic as well as elegant.
从海螺灵感而来的旋转楼梯从一层旋转至二楼,由动态转为静态,幻化为装置艺术品。在整个空间灰色调中,回归空间的天性,置身其中感受不一样的气质。 Inspired by the conchfrom the rotation of a rotating staircase from first floor to second floor,from static to dynamic, turned into a device art. The whole space gray tone,return to the nature of space, where you can feeling different temperament.
空间手法延续了质朴,纯粹的设计语言。将材质与设计主题串联,适时的将每一个空间统一。让空间的氛围随着步伐自然流露,不矫揉,不做作。傍晚时空间之间形成对话,构建而成的内在静谧,雕塑出整个空间沉淀后的温润与朴实。 Thespace technique continues a pure design language. The material in series withdesign themes, made every space unified at the right moment. Let the atmosphereof space showed its natural , not knead, not artificial. In the evening the space is becomingmore peaceful, built up the inner quiet beauty , sculpture the whole space in awarm and simple atmosphere .
Matrix Design | 海口华润中心城销售中心 ▼项目概况 主创设计 | 刘建辉、王冠、王兆宝 Designer | Liu Jianhui / Wang Guan / Wang Zhao Bao 项目性质 | 销售中心 Project Nature | Sales center 设计面积 | 1600㎡ Design Area | 1600㎡ 硬装造 | 5000元/平方 Hard Decoration Cost | ¥5000/㎡ 软装造价 | 4000元/平方 Soft Decoration Cost | ¥4000/㎡ 主要材料 | 莱茵灰大理石,艺术墙纸,艺术玻璃,雅士白大理石,那不勒斯白大理石 Main Materials: Rhine grey marble, Artisticwallpaper, Artistic glass, Aston white marble, Naples white marble