Some people say that drinking Martell Noblige islike talking with a gentleman; 有人说,品味马爹利名仕,就好似身着华服的贵族;
Some say it is like a well-dressed noble; 有人说,品味马爹利名仕,就能知晓那氤氲在口中的波澜不惊;
Others say that the best part of drinking Martell Noblige is to tasting its rich fragrance in the mouth; 而我说,那是一种品格,更是一种关于绅士的岁月流金优雅留现
I think that it stands for outstanding quality anda tribute to essence of the gentleman culture. 从马爹利名士“铭”限量版提取灵感--岁月流金优雅留现。名士之“铭”,巧妙融合“金”色设计与“名”士精神。金,是高贵不俗的气质展现;名士,是优雅内蕴的绝佳诠释。名士之魅,金色映现,完美诠释了优雅表现于外,更发自内涵;名士之名,披金典存,深远寓意了内在之美,“铭”撰马爹利名士所倡导的“新优雅”
Inspired by the limited Martell Noblige -Reproducing the elegance of the golden age. The Chinese character "铭" fuses the meaning of golden and noble. Golden is a token ofthe noble culture, nobles represent elegance. The combination of golden andessence of the noble culture perfectly embodies elegance. The noble culture isthe internal essence and the elegant lifestyle advocated by Martell Noblige.
The void duplex structure and walls decorated byglittery metallic colors create the style of modest luxury, which coincide withpouring cognac with rich and sweet fragrance.
The coach and dining chairs with a grey tone and orange accessories and leather perfectly blends characters and temperament of gentlemen and nobles.
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Shenzhen Bo Jing Design Co., Ltd. is specialized in the real estate, commercial and high-end private interior design. We have provided professional interior designing services for a wide range of leading real estate developers. Thanks to our accurate market positioning and expertise, we are able to fuse fashion and classics with space design and promote ideas of high-quality life. We follow the latest trends of design tocreate unique feelings and touchable comport for each space. We carefully select stylish furniture and materials to make every detail perfect and maximize the atmosphere of home.