本帖最后由 楼相 于 2017-5-10 10:38 编辑
「BestMe」是一个非常专业的拍摄写真的肖像馆,近100平米的空间需要包含前厅接待、写真展示、休闲等候、化妆区、服装陈列区、修片区、影棚拍摄区等功能,每个区块的功能都有不同的空间要求,例如私密性、动线、照度......空间面积小,功能较复杂,所以如何将空间的各个功能合理布置,并用统一的设计语言联系在一起是我们设计的核心思考. 「BestMe」 is a very professional photo studio.Nearly100 square meters of space needs to include front desk reception, photodisplay, waiting,make up,clothing area,post process,and shooting area and other functions.There isdifferent requirement in each function such as privacy, circulation,illumination......Space area is limited,and function is relatively complex, sowe concentrate on how to arrange each function reasonably , and link each othertogether with unified design language.
「取景」是摄影的最基本也是最重要的技术,取景就是选择恰当的拍摄范围,使景物合理的安排在一张有限的画面上,使拍出来的照片有一定的艺术效果.我们希望通过设计营造出一个专属于写真的空间,于是我们将「取景框」作为设计语言的原初. 「Framing」is the most basic andmost important photography technology, which is choosing the proper shootingrange to make the reasonable arrangement of landscape in a limited picture,toachieve a certain artistic effect. We hope that we can create a space belong tophotography,so we choose "frame" as the original design language.
我们使用框架连接所有的机能空间,并使用不同的材质、不同的分割方式来对不同的空间进行处理.在100平米的空间中,仿佛打造出了数个不同尺度、不同内容的取景框,每个框架里的人的活动就像是在镜头取景框里的一张张生动的照片. We use the frame to connect all of the functional space, and dealwith different space with different materials, different ways of segmentation.In 100 square meters of space, as if we created a number of frames withdifferent scales and different content,and the people in each frame is justlike lively photographs in the camera viewfinder.
Nature is best state when we take photo.We usea lot of wood material in this space, such as wooden frame, wooden floor in thespace to increase kindness of the space,let guests can relax in the space andpresents the most natural state when they take photo..
▲空间整体简约整齐,背景墙使用了灰色的细纹肌理漆,犹如胶片般的质感使空间更为雅致. The space is quite simple and neat.We paint thebackground wall with gray grain texture
▲等候区使用了日式和纸,并采用了柔和的间接照明设计,营造出舒适的等候氛围. We choose Japanese paper,and a gentle indirectlighting design to create a comfortable waiting atmosphere inwaiting area.
影棚区的地面墙面都使用白色,天花的光源我们设计了对于空间拍摄最适宜的色温功率. The floor and wall of shooting area are painted with white,and wedesign the space lighting with appropriate color temperature and power which issuitable for shooting. 服装陈列区的墙面使用了白色吸音板,除了尽量避免化妆区的声音影响到邻近的修片区和办公区,吸音板本身的一个个小圆洞插上定制的小木棒,可巧妙的作为眼镜及领带陈列区. We decorate the wall of clothing area with whitebore acoustic panel, in order to avoid post process area and office area fromthe noise of make up area.Also,to put little small sticks into the hole ofacoustic panel is a good way of displaying glasses and ties.
平面图 Floor Plan 项目:BestMe肖像馆 项目团队成员:田少寅,袁智洋,曾煜娴 项目地点:北京海淀区中关村创业公社B2F 照明设计:马超 面积:100平方米 完工时间:2017年1月 照片拍摄:王屴,BestMe 谜舍设计办公地:北京西四环南路103号—设计师广场2号楼1303 联系方式:18613820192 Project:BestMe Photo Studio Project team: Tian Shaoyin,Yuan Zhiyang,Zeng Yuxian Project location:,B2F,Vstartup,Zhongguancun,Haidian Disctrict,Beijing,China Lighting design:Ma Chao Area: 100 sqm Completion date: January 2017 Photography:Wangli,BestMe Nazodesign Studio Location:1303 Room,No.2 Building,Designer Plaza,Fengtai District Contact:18613820192