本帖最后由 楼相 于 2017-5-10 14:30 编辑
设计主创 | 刘文治 团队成员 | 刘文治,杨义康,陈良才,黄子权,龙得树... 设计公司 | 广州文水台室内设计有限公司 项目名称 | SoloPlus+网咖 项目面积 | 570m2 "Solo puls+"这是一个网络游戏厅跟咖啡结合的场所,所有的网络游戏都是以高科技的设计手法来表现,但我们认为这不是一个正确的方向,因为人的本性中对待游戏的态度应该是真实而欢乐的,这是和伙伴协作而成,它有激情也有冒险,它的设计语言表达为凝聚,力量与分享。在这里我想抛开东西方的约束,而藉由节点,建构和空间来表达我们关于本源的思辩,如果它可以诱使你触感上的冲动,那是细节在与空间中的你我已经有了交流和欲望,而感情也由此而生,我们希望借此方式来表达关于不同项目不同场所中关于本源的思考。也因为不同的开始,所以有了不同的答案,如果它是正确的话,那这一定和人性有关,这是"第零册",这也是我们理解世界的方式。 "Solo puls+" this is a network game hall combined with coffee place, all Internet games are presented in design of high-tech methods, but we believe that this is not a correct direction, because human nature to treat the attitude of the game should be real and happy, and this is the partnership and it is also a passion, adventure, expression of its design language is condensed, and power sharing. Here I want to put aside the East and west by the constraints, By the node construction and space to express our thoughts about the origin, if it can tempt you to touch the impulse, that is in the details and space in you I have had communication and feelings, And the feeling is born , we hope that this way to express thoughts about different places in different projects on the origin . Also because different starts, so there are different answers, if it is correct, then this must be related to human nature, this is the "zero volume", which is our way of understanding the world.