这是一个对CHICHI平面设计公司进行办公室室内设计的项目。这间办公室位于大阪市肥后桥的一栋昭和初期的西式建筑内。 This project is an office interior design for the CHICHI Graphic design firm.The room is located in a western style building from early Showa period in Higobashi, Osaka city.
该项目旨在打造出独具特色的设计及办公环境。 设计师希望这个环境能具有像咖啡厅那样的轻松氛围,以淡化办公和洽谈的紧张感,使交流更加愉悦。 It aims at differentiating itself from other offices in the area, characterized by the presence of a lot of design studios and offices. Although it is an office, it is a relaxed space as a cafe, expecting that the flow of ideas is perceived in negotiation times. That is the main sense of design.
此次设计规避了以往的墙面隔断,而是在设计区域和洽谈区域之间设置了悬挂植物作为分隔。 It avoids placing a clear partition between the workspace and meeting room with the presence of shade plants as a soft layer inside the space.
家具部分,设计师采用了一种暗含木纹的橄榄色饰面,希望随着时间的流逝展示出它独特的味道。 As for the furniture, a peculiar olive finish with unnoticed wood grain was adopted, so that the office would show its own taste over the time.