Home Ranch接待中心位于美国怀俄明州杰克逊镇的北端,是为当地居民和游客设计的一处社区中心。 Demarcating the northern entrance to Jackson, Wyoming’s historic downtown, the Home Ranch Welcome Center serves as a community hub for both residents and visitors alike.
一排木制的柱廊将游客引至一个互动展示区域,人们可以从这里了解到杰克逊镇优美壮丽的自然环境。这些立柱支撑着巨大的斜屋顶,南向的天窗将阳光引入室内,远处的雪王山则成为杰克逊镇的一个无处不在的背景。栅格墙环绕在玻璃幕墙与柱列外围,在主厅内投下斑驳的光影。 A forest of log columns introduce visitors to an interactive display that informs and educates on the natural splendor that Jackson, Wyoming is uniquely centered within. These columns support a large canted roof with glass clerestory that tilts up to the southern light and the omnipresent backdrop of downtown Jackson, Snow King Mountain. Dappled light fills the space, created by the carefully placed screens that wrap the glass curtain walls and log columns of the main hall. ▼立柱支撑着巨大的斜屋顶,the columns support a large canted roof with glass clerestory
▼柱廊将游客引至一个互动展示区域,a forest of log columns introduce visitors to an interactive display ▼主厅内展示了有关杰克逊镇自然和历史的资料, the display informs and educates on the natural splendor that Jackson is uniquely centered within
▼栅格墙在主厅内投下斑驳的光影,dappled light fills the space, created by the carefully placed screens ▼温暖、明亮的休息区域,a warm and illuminated seating area
南面和西面的金属栅格墙内镶嵌着名为“Strands”的艺术装置作品,这是由Jackson Hole Public Art Initiative在政府的资助下完成的一个艺术项目。玻璃砖内的图案复制了野牛和熊的特征基因片段。 Integrated into the metal sunscreens on the southern and western walls are glass bricks that represent the art installation called “Strands”, the first publicly funded art project produced by the Jackson Hole Public Art Initiative. The colors in the glass bricks are pattered to replicate the portions of DNA that make bison and bears genetically distinct. ▼金属栅格墙内镶嵌着名为“Strands”的艺术装置作品,integrated into the metal sunscreens are glass bricks that represent the art installation called “Strands” 建筑替代了场地中旧有的公共洗手间,转而成为一座功能性的建筑,粗犷的材料使变得更加持久耐用。项目获得了LEED的金级认证,呼应了杰克逊镇一贯的可持续发展宗旨。Home Ranch接待中心与停车场相连,能够将游客引至小镇的中心,同时为镇上的居民提供交通服务。 The building replaces an existing well-worn public restroom facility and updates this function with a robust material palette to provide increased longevity. A LEED Gold rating has been received in accordance with the Town’s sustainability initiative. Directly adjacent to the primary parking lot for visitors arriving from points north to experience downtown Jackson, the Home Ranch Center also serves as a transportation hub for the valley’s public transit service.
▼总平面图及场地平面图,master plan and site
Home Ranch Welcome Center
Jackson, Wyoming
Completion Date: 2013
Photography: Paul; Warchol and Matthew Millman