爱丁堡市中心一间起始于18世纪的木匠小屋,在一对年轻夫妇的手中改造为一栋度假小屋。这个采用天然材料和本地工艺打造的木屋也是 Izat Arundell事务所的第一个项目。也是该事务所两位设计师Eilidh Izat 和 Jack Arundell对于建筑,工艺与食物的设计实践。作为老城区未被开发的最后一片地区,Izat Arundell试图用最简洁的立面设计为都市人营造一处安心的休憩居所。他们决定用石材 ,木材和黏土等天然材料来创建和谐的室内氛围。
Within the historic heart of Edinburgh, a young couple have transformed a former 18th century blacksmiths workshop into a minimal holiday retreat using natural materials and local craftsmanship. Porteous’ Studio is the first project by Izat Arundell, a small design practice encompassing architecture, craft and food set up by Eilidh Izat and Jack Arundell. As one of the last remaining undeveloped spaces in the Old Town, Izat Arundell spent months designing a simple layout with quiet aesthetics to create an escape for guests within the city. They decided to expose details of structure and use stone, wood and clay throughout to create a sense of harmony.
▼外貌,exterior view
The original opening was repurposed with deep mullioned glazing units and a screened pivot door to provide both privacy and views to the atmospheric Grassmarket while sliding screens were used internally to conserve space and create a secluded sleeping area. In the bedroom, a cranked steel beam was installed to support the tenement staircase above creating a pocket for the bed. This was left exposed to highlight the intervention.
▼新入口增加了室内外对视,the new entrance enlarge the view from outside
▼柔和的室内色调,the soft tone of the interior
▼木栅格围合出私密的卧室空间,the sliding screens create a secluded sleeping area
北向的开口让阳光在日间射入房内,营造了明亮舒适的内部氛围,于此同时,于厚重石墙内开凿的窗口则让居住者尽情享受夜晚的月光,并与相邻花园的榆树林产生对视。设计师在墙面开口,用橡木在墙内镶嵌一个干净的窗框,并以此来展现该房间改造前后的对比。设计师采用天然石膏铺设室内墙面,让室内环境更加明亮的同时,也让居住空间更富有故事性。设计师委任他们的好友兼橱柜设计师Namon Gaston打造室内全部家具。值得一提的是,这些家具全部来自于同一根橡木,以保证室内环境的一致性。此外,Namon和Richard Anstice还合作完成了厨房和滑动门的设计,室内布艺家饰由Peter Holmes完成。
While the north facing orientation of the main opening casts soft, diffused light across the studio throughout the day, a new window opening was created through a meter thick stone wall to bring evening light into the space and to give views of the large wych elm sat in the adjacent garden courtyard. Izat Arundell left the window splays perpendicular to the walls and installed minimal oak frames with fixed glazing to differentiate the opening from the original and more vernacular window opposite. Clayworks natural plaster is used throughout the studio to enhance the quality of light and as a rich and immersive surface for the eyes avoiding the need for any artwork. Izat Arundell commissioned friend and cabinet-maker Namon Gaston to design and produce all the furniture from a single native oak tree in order to achieve consistency in tone and grain, allowing the eye to read the pieces as one. Namon also worked in collaboration with Richard Anstice to create the bespoke kitchen and sliding timber screens and Peter Holmes for upholstery.
▼室内家具由同一根橡木打造而成,all the furniture are designed and made from a single native oak tree
▼家装细节,detail of the furniture
Izat Arundell intended to honour the original floor levels which ran flush between inside and out to provide easy access for coaches and other heavy machinery and materials. However, due to the rich history and archaeological value of the land on which the site sits, a decision was made not to excavate the original slab and a new insulated and heated screed laid on top finished in small format grey limestone tiles to mirror the cobbled pend outside.
▼维持室内外高差,keep the level difference
▼平面图,plan 过惯了都市喧嚣的生活 来到这个度假小屋放松一下也是蛮好吧? 回帖有奖 精彩回复奖励100-200金币!