一个整改项目,在层高只有2米2,地面、设备、厨房都维持现状的条件下,设计师删繁就简,精心规划了动线,将原本狭长的空间合理划分成不同的功能区。材质的对比和光线的明暗,营造了整体的用餐氛围。 A renovation project is in a condition that the floor height is only 2.2 meters, the ground, equipment, and kitchen is still in the status quo. The designer cut down the complexity of the scene, carefully planned the line of movement, and reasonably divided the original narrow space into different functional areas. The contrast of materials and the light and shade of lighting, create an overall dining atmosphere.
灰石矮墙的序幕拉开,布置着景深幽邃的客座群落;环顾四周,温暖的木质基调搭配带有肌理的白墙,低调而又沉静。悬空的半面白墙与木桌穿插,通透中又隐约带出其后的层层景致,完成多层次的婉转划分,含蓄而又清晰。 The prelude of the grey stone wall was opened, and the guests were surrounded by deep and quiet atmosphere. Looking around, the warm woody tones with textured white walls were low-key and quiet. Half of the suspended white wall and wooden table are interspersed with each other, revealing layers of the landscape behind it. The design completes the multi-level transition, which is subtle and clear.
结合各个层次的高低错落、小景绿植、灯光明暗的把控,设计师让空间能由外向内的逐次展演。景中有景的起承转合,委婉阐述了“内敛”的界线概念。 Combining various levels of high and low, small landscapes, and lighting controls, the designer allowed the space to be played from the outside to the inside. There are scenes in the scenery, which euphemistically expounds the concept of the line of “introverted”.
灯光与形体的结合,空间与空间之间的渗透,小景观的处处营造,让人在同一端景中感受到不同的画面,缓解了层高带来的压迫感,也无形中让区域之间互相呼应。 The combination of lighting fixtures and form, the penetration between space and space, the creation of small landscapes in everywhere, makes people feel different pictures in the same area. The design ease the oppressive feeling caused by the ceiling height, and also make the areas resonate with each other.
另一扇灰石矮屏之后,半隐蔽了外部区域,也营造了内在一个诗意的空间。暗调的光阴和景致在片片镜面中起承转合,宛若一处秘境。 After another grey stone wall hide another dining area. The stone wall half hidden the outer area, but also created a poetic space inside. The scenery of the shadowy scenes in the mirrors is just like a secret place.
从后景的镜面栅格、中景的悬空隔断,到前端的灰石白屏,若明若暗的光阴渲染下,空间的体验在有限的条件中得到极致的提升。环环相扣,步步皆景,大大提升了“食”的趣味与深度。 From the mirror grid of the back ground area, the suspended wall of the middle view, and the gray stone wall at the front, under the rendering of light and shadow, the space experience is maximized in these limited conditions. Inextricably linked to each other, the scenes and scenes have greatly enhanced the taste and depth of “eating”.
项目名称:青缇汇 日料定食 项目地点:深圳市软件产业基地 项目面积:200㎡ 完工时间:2018年4月 设计公司:埂上设计事务所 主创设计:李良超,文志刚,黄元满 专案设计:向维方 软装规划:禾和设计 摄影团队:黄缅贵 Project name: Fresh Flame·Teishoku restaurant Project location: Shenzhen, China Project size: 200㎡ Completion date: April, 2018 Design company: G&S Design Founders: Liangchao Li, Zhigang Wen, Yuanman Huang Designer: Weifang Xiang FF&E: Hehe Design Photographer: Miangui Huang
设计师删繁就简,精心规划了动线 材质的对比和光线的明暗让这个空间变得更加又氛围 欢迎点评 精彩回帖奖励100-200金币!