更多意巢设计作品: NNEST意巢设计丨不显山露水却高级的云淡风轻 Innest丨 The Stylish Philosophy of Life
The quietness in the painting comes from the tranquility of the soul. With the entire universe expanding from the small subject, it interprets its unique artistic understanding with pure visual language. ——About Morandi
这次我们利用莫兰迪配色 重新定义极简与时尚 空间色彩带给人的感受 比任何单个的物体都要真实 浓烈艳丽的色彩直白而强势 它的意义一目了然 让人无法忽视 但越是简单的、平凡无奇的颜色 越能诠释复杂深邃的生活意义。
This time, we apply Morandi color to redefine minimalism and fashion. Feelings brought to people from space color are much more real than from any single object. Though the strong and bright colors are straightforward and conspicuous, which are too noticeable to be neglected. However, it is the simple and common colors that interpret the meaning of the complex and profound life.
空间的简洁性 构造的清晰度 和材质的纯粹度 将成为新的空间美学载体 Space simplicity, Structured clearness, and the purity of the material, will become the new vehicle of space aesthetics.
如果你被这宁静淡雅而打动 是因你内心最真实的渴求 那是生命姿态的延伸 迂回到内心深处的舒缓 这就是莫兰迪色系的精髓
If you are touched by this tranquility and elegance, it is because of your innermost desire, which is the extension of your life and the inner peace coming from it. And this, is the essence of Morandi.
极简排列的这些单纯物件 尝试推翻我们透过定义所认知的空间 回归视觉观察的纯粹形体世界 追求一种宁静淡泊的朴实 和精神上的自审
These simple objects, arranged in a minimal way, attempt to overturn the space we perceive through existing definition and return to the pure world with visual observation, pursuing a calm and free-spirited simplicity and spiritual self-examination.
明亮纯净的空间 相互制约、相互抵消 轻描淡写的述说着清新优雅 弱化边缘的柔和氛围 温柔高级的灵动质感 给儿童房不一样的俏皮
The bright and pure space restricts and neutralizes each other and the gentle atmosphere of the softened edge as well as the dynamic texture, impart the unique interest to the children’s room.
平和自持 这种不张扬的朦胧感 让视觉达到完美平衡 雅致舒缓又低调摩登 轻松愉悦的氛围 免不了让人心生暖意
Peaceful and Self-restrained. This unassuming sense of dimness, makes vision achieve a perfect balance. It is elegant, tranquil, and modern. Its relaxing atmosphere gives people a sense of warmth involuntarily.
却时尚调性一致 在书房的衔接下显得分外温馨 达到实用性的同时 让孩子们沉溺于艺术的氛围中快乐成长
With different colors but in same fashion, the boys’ and girls’ room seem to be exceptionally warm with the connection of the study room, which achieves its utility while enables the children to grow up happily in the art atmosphere.
渗透进美学的内涵与底蕴, 在雕刻时光 推动岁月的齿轮 于历史的轨迹中凝聚不朽 淡薄物外,迷恋简淡
The implication and connotation of the aesthetics, are engraving the time, pushing the gear of the years, and will gain its eternity in history.
纳自然之形 建空间之意
Founded in 2015, INNEST, the interior design brand, which aims to build a platform to bring together the top interior designers, INNEST is dedicated to interior space design and accessories design, providing advanced customized services for the first-class commercial real estate, hotel, high-end clubs, office buildings and so on. INNEST have established a long-term and solid cooperation with several well-known listed real estate enterprises including VANKE, GEMDALE, YANGO, Jingrui Holdings. Through the deep insight of international trends, we customize solutions that exceed expectations.INNEST have won numerous awards including iF Design Award, Red dot Award, APIDA Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards, etc., and have successfully become one of the newest and promising design force.
INNEST创始人从右至左: 巢宇、曾广辉
开发商_金地集团东莞公司 项目年份_2018年 项目面积_155㎡ 空间设计_深圳市大集空间设计有限公司 软装设计_深圳市意巢文化艺术有限公司
文、排版 _hypo 图片、 摄影_Benmo Studio 以上内容来自INNEST 欢迎分享,留言交流。转载请注明出处