项目名称:苏州 MOJO LIVE HOUSE 主案设计:陈武 设计单位: 新冶组设计顾问有限公司 项目投资:700万 项目面积:600㎡ 项目地址:江苏·苏州 主要材料:水泥,铁艺,凿面石材,水磨石等 Project name: MOJO Live House Project designer: Yellow Chan Design company: Newera Design Investment:400W Area: 500㎡ Completion date: 2018 Location: Jiangsun, Suzhou Primary materials: Cement, iron, stone, etc.
娱乐总是在需求尚未觉醒的时刻自觉诞生,而好的作品总是需要时间去沉淀。 Entertainment develops from nature, monumental work needs time.
由新冶组担纲设计的小酒吧项目——MOJO与苏州中心一同矗立于全国唯一商务旅游特质的国家5A级旅游景区——金鸡湖畔,连接着苏州的古典与现代。自项目设计伊始,新冶组设计团队便冀望在这个充满文化气息的城市,打造一个全新的“中式Artdeco”酒吧,故通过前期对当地文化背景及市场需求的深入解析,为MOJO提出一个从工业主义派生出来的概念——“殖民工业风”,并将LOUNGE、 LIVE HOUSE、 PARTY文化融汇于此,衍生客制化的专属魅力。 Designed by the new smelting group as small bar project, MOJO with suzhou center stands in the only business travel trait of national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot - the jinji lake, connects with suzhou's classical and modern. Since at the beginning of the project design, the Newera Design group design team and hope that in this city full of cultural atmosphere, to build a new "Chinese Artdeco" bar, through the early local cultural background and market demand of the in-depth analysis, put forward an industrial capitalism for MOJO derived concept - "colonial industrial wind", and the LOUNGE, LIVE together in this HOUSE, the PARTY culture, derivative customization exclusive charm. 异于目前盛行的工业风主义,“殖民工业风”是中国传统文化与工业风的结合,设计师通过对现代设计手法的极致演绎,为MOJO赋予新的立意,给消费者呈现了一种当地年轻人独有的生活娱乐方式。 Different from the current prevailing wind industry, "colonial industrial wind" is the combination of Chinese traditional culture and industrial wind, designers through to the modern design methods to deduce acme, MOJO gives a new conception, to consumer shows a kind of local young people's unique life entertainment. 本案分为上下两层,设计师通过简化传统榫卯的复杂结构及铁艺的尺度把控,将中式“楼阁”文化讲究的休闲、自由、舒适发挥到极致。纤细而优雅的铁艺立柱、护栏、玻璃架传递出苏州特有的细腻,而相对粗犷的墙面材质运用在增强空间视觉冲击力同时也更好的解决了回声问题,给予客人纵享音乐与味蕾享受之余感受MOJO设计的人文与巧思,无限激活了空间能量。 This case is divided into two layers. By simplifying the complex structure of traditional mortise and tenon and controlling the scale of iron art, the designer gives full play to the leisure, freedom and comfort of Chinese "pavilion" culture. Delicate and elegant, wrought iron columns, railing, glass frame, deliver the suzhou unique and exquisite, and relatively rough wall material used in enhanced space visual impact also solve the problem of the echo, give guests longitudinal enjoy with music and taste in MOJO design of humanities and think of opportunely, infinite energy to activate the space. 从整个项目来说,“餐”和“吧”是从属和主要的关系,所以在功能布局与软装设置上,设计师大量运用水泥板、锈铁、水磨石等实用性较高的材料,并以局部点缀拉丝古铜钛金,把功能性做到淋漓尽致。“经典中有自己的独特,传统中寻找自由”意识在这间酒吧的设计细节里随处可见,空间里合理运用的幕帘及绿植软化等,构建起一个轻松、自由、舒适而不失时尚品质的空间格调。 In MOJO, the relationship of “restaurant” and “bar” is primary and subordinate. So designer applies lots cement boards, iron and stones practical material with brushed bronze titanium. He demonstrates function of the space fully, and decorates green plants to soft the industrial room. It has its own unique classic, traditional for free "consciousness in the bar design details can be seen everywhere, reasonable use of curtain in the space and green plant to soften, construct a relaxed, free and comfortable and do not break vogue style quality space. 本案设计理念契合经营目的,造价控制精准。由于功能布局合理,在共有的空间中,音乐、艺术、休闲、美食等各个空间有条不紊地为整个项目服务,再加上Artdeco殖民工业风与当地文化完美结合,LOUNGE、 LIVE HOUSE、 PARTY,不一样的 LIVE HOUSE现场,一流的艺术文化,苏州MOJO,将重新定义娱乐新风尚。 The design of this case is in line with the business objective and the cost control is accurate. Due to the function layout is reasonable, through the joint space, music, art, leisure, food, and other space methodically service for the entire project, plus Artdeco colonial industry wind perfect combination with the local culture, LOUNGE, LIVE HOUSE, a PARTY, not the same as the LIVE HOUSE site, the first-class art culture, suzhou MOJO, will redefine fashion entertainment.
陈武 Yellow Chan
l 著名室内设计师 l 深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司/创始人 l 德国红点/德国iF/英国Andrew Martin 获奖设计师 l 德稻文化娱乐实践大师 l 广州大学建筑设计研究学院第八所/副所长兼客座教授 l 深圳市室内建筑设计行业协会(SIID)/理事
个人简介 陈武,著名亚洲娱乐文化空间室内设计师,曾荣获德国Reddot Award 红点设计大奖、德国iF设计大奖、英国Andrew Martin、荷兰FRAME Awards设计大奖、法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖金奖、美国室内设计金外滩奖、台湾六艺奖等多个国际性设计大奖,并被诸多大赛聘为导师及评委,是目前中国最具独创性与商业洞察力的娱乐文化空间顶级设计师,是亚洲娱乐文化空间设计领域的领军人物。其带领的深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司已为南、北诺亚集团、合纵文化集团、北大青鸟音乐集团、恒大集团、广州巴星集团等知名娱乐文化集团及各大商业地产集团提供完美的空间设计方案及优质的整体配套设计服务,成功打造出数百个备受称道的休闲娱乐文化空间、餐饮文化空间、休闲娱乐文化商业地产等经典空间,在业内有着广泛影响力和一流口碑,被誉为“亚洲最具独创性与商业驱动力”的娱乐文化空间设计机构。近年来,陈武先生结合自己的设计实践经验和项目案例以“泛娱乐时代的商业驱动”为主题,阐述过去、现在和未来顶级Club设计的特点和发展趋势,再次引领市场风向。