Akelarre酒店经历了四十余年的发展和品牌塑造,在兼顾传统与潮流的同时始终坚持着探索与创新。环境与创意的融合是Akelarre酒店的灵魂所在。 Hotel Akelarre is the result of a more than forty years of identity and development. Is the blend between tradition and time with the obsession for investigation and innovation. It’s accurately the symbiosis in the integration of context and innovation that defines the spirit of Hotel Akelarre. 酒店位于Igueldo山脉的北面,面朝Cantabric海域,距离San Sebastián市中心仅有几公里的距离。被酒店环绕在内的旧建筑中包含一间著名的米其林三星餐厅。五座石砌小屋背山面海,两个楼层共包含二十二个房间。所有的房间均是新装修的海景房,虽然大小和类别不一,却有着同样完善的功能设施。 The Hotel is located a few kilometres away from the center of San Sebastián, in the North side of mount Igueldo, facing the Cantabric Sea, wrapping the old building that hosts the famous three Michelin star restaurant. Five stone cubicles emerge from the hillside of the mountain towards the sea, harbouring in their interior the rooms. The hotel offers, a total of twenty-two rooms, in two levels, all of them newly built and oriented to the sea and functionally similar regardless of their dimension or category.
酒店鸟瞰 建筑外观 立面细部
基于这一背景,Mecanismo为Akelarre酒店精心构思了新的设计和建造方案。对于材料、家具和细部的准确选择为酒店赋予了与众不同的特质;不同的材料作为纽带将设计中的概念、形式与功能串联起来。石材、木材和亚麻纺织物的运用充分尊重了天然材料的内在本质,同时迎合了新的技术和使用需求,从而为项目乃至设计团队赋予了独特的内涵。 In this ambiance, Mecanismo conceived a precise project of design and construction of the hotel. The accurate selection of materials, furniture and the detailed execution distinguishes Hotel Akelarre; the materials as the link between concept, form and function. The use of natural resources and whilst materials; stone, wood and linen respect the inner nature and properties in the process, as well as, contemplating the advances of investigation and new techniques for their manipulation and induction, that characterizes the project and studio itself.
公共区域 酒窖
与休息室位于同一楼层的酒窖分为两个区域,分别用作品酒室以及存酒和展示空间,并通过巨大的户型玻璃墙进行分隔。高大的品酒桌成为空间中的主体,灯光的位置凸显出酒瓶的存在,这也是餐厅酒窖中最重要的元素之一。 At the same level, the wine cellar is conceived in two areas, as a tasting room and as a space of conservation and exposition, divided by a large curved glass. The tall table for wine tasting prevails the space, and the disposition of the lighting highlights the presence of the bottles as the most important elements of the restaurant’s wine cellar.
随着建筑体量变化却仍旧不失连续感的材料在塑造出几何结构的同时也定义出整个建筑的设计思路与功能布局,同时为住宅赋予了独特且多样化的氛围和显著的特征。 The avail of different materials in each volumetric construction and the thereon in the succession of materials that often, interfere and modify a geometry shape and or volume defines the concept and functioning of the project while simultaneously granting a unique and diverse atmosphere, providing Akelarre with an unequivocal personality. 五座石砌小屋背山面海,共包含二十二个海景房 five stone cubicles emerge from the hillside of the mountain towards the sea, harbouring in their interior the rooms.
休息室也和谐地融入建筑当中,将设想中的温暖氛围、光线和材料集于一体,同时巧妙地搭配以Mecanismo的别致家具。一系列平台和露台为酒店带来伊格尔多山引人入胜的美景。 The lounge, has also been aligned to the architecture, which gathers the desired sensation of the warm textures, light, and materials, whilst distinctively characterizing the design of the furniture by Mecanismo. With access to the deck and terraces the outstanding and remarkable views grant the position of Akerrale in the pronounced hill of Igueldo.
完全由木材覆盖的交通空间纵向地连接了每个楼层,可直接通向酒店的健康中心、餐吧、酒窖和休息室等公共区域。每一个空间都拥有着独特的场景,同时又以统一的形式语言和材料将整个酒店的空间统一起来。在这些空间中, Oteiza餐吧与餐厅呈现出不同的风格,从而保证了后者的主体地位。开敞的空间旨在吸引和欢迎顾客,同时将壮观的全景视野通过窗户引入室内。 A strand completely covered in wood, runs longitudinally at every level, in a way that a circulation space by the cubes, connect with the common areas of the hotel; wellness, snack bar, wine cellar and the lounge. Each of these spaces have a different and independent scenario that connect the whole via with an equal formal language and material. In this line, the Oteiza snack bar depicts a divergent style from the restaurant, keeping a coherent and undeniable latter. The general amplitude of the space seeks to welcome the visitor, together with a lighting that receives the panoramic sights from the windows that settle the space.
健康中心设有一面独特的玻璃墙,划分出豪华石砌泳池、桑拿区和土耳其浴室所在的湿水区,以及包含三个拥有创新型建造系统的独立“客舱”。嵌入式的小型空间、更衣室以及健身房都有着十分温暖舒适的通道,为空间带来独具一格的审美趣味。 The wellness space has been differentiated by a curved glass enclosure. A wet area distinguished by exceptional luxury swimming pool in stone, sauna and Turkish bath; and an additional area with three independent capsule’s created by an innovative constructive system in stone for the visitors. The warm access to the niches in canvas and the five cabins as changing rooms, together with a gym, contextualize the space with an exclusive aesthetic taste.
灯具细部 客房 客房细部
稍稍嵌入石砌小屋平台的六个空间与酒店的露台结合在一起。这些露台同样由石头砌筑而成,并通过铺有木板的花园区域与平台的其他部分相连。该设计手法是为了保证极佳的水平视野。 Slightly sunk on the deck of stone cubicles, six spaces of cured silhouettes integrate the hotel terraces. These terraces, which are carved in stone, join the rest of the platform by a planked space and gardened areas, all of which seek a stunning view to the horizon.
该项目最终实现了Akelarre酒店的品牌精髓和创新精神与Messence事务所对设计的探索与专注度的完美融合。 A project that combines both the essence and innovation of Akelarre’s with the conceptual design and dedication that defines Mecanismo as a whole.
Akelarre酒店 设计图纸呈现
地下二层平面图 地下一层平面图 首层平面图 二层平面图 三层平面图
材料和家具为酒店赋予了与众不同的特质 这套作品带给你什么样的感受呢 认真点评将10-200金币!