本帖最后由 brsj333 于 2018-8-30 10:23 编辑
Name of the project: Liaoning Ding Jubilee design in Taipei Restaurant Project address: Shenyang, Liaoning Main materials: white cultural brick, wood veneer, cement paint, simulation plant 沈阳休闲主题餐厅设计在设计上推崇现代时尚与工业风的结合。融合了原砖、木艺、 钢架等元素和当地的人文感情。华而不奢,雅而不俗,色彩绚丽,照明和实物做到完美的结合。沈阳休闲主题餐厅设计天花的简约处理,交错纵横的线条造型手法来诠释截然不同的娱乐、时尚、前卫元素,带给人一种新奇,惊艳的视觉效果。 The design of the Shenyang leisure theme restaurant is designed to admired the combination of modern fashion and industrial wind. Combines the original brick, wooden, steel and other elements and local human feelings. It is not extravagant, elegant, elegant, colorful, and perfect combination of lighting and physical objects. Smallpox simplification processing, interlaced vertical and horizontal line modeling techniques to interpret completely different entertainment, fashion, avant-garde elements, bring people a new and amazing visual effect.
艺术画、涂鸦和站台的碰撞,犹如戏剧中平行蒙太奇的手法般融入餐厅,与消费者饮食习惯一一串连。就好像引领人们一路旅行来到喧嚣热闹的台北大街,让你看到三维空间中借景和色彩互补的时尚风格,从而激起食者视觉、嗅觉和味觉的舒适感,奇妙无比,突然就被激发出一种起彼伏的热情,给人们自由和热烈的感觉。这种地域性风格比较鲜明的餐厅设计还有广州越南风情餐厅设计。 The collision of art painting, graffiti and platform, like the parallel montage of the drama into the dining room, is linked to the eating habits of consumers. As a way of leading people to travel to Taipei street, the bustling, let you see the king and the complementary color in three-dimensional space style, thus arousing food vision, smell and taste of comfort, wonderful, suddenly excited a popping up enthusiasm, give people freedom and warm feeling.
上海博仁设计(全称上海博礼仁建筑设计有限公司)从事室内设计15年,始终坚持以独特的文化设计品位、完善的全程设计服务,来配合客户达成品牌化标杆企业的发展为目标。 博,取孔子《论语》“博学而笃志,切问而近思,仁在其中矣。”喻谦恭的奉献于设计事业的理想,并踏踏实实,一心一意,坚持不懈,勤耕不缀; 仁,仁者,爱人。仁义。旨用心对待客户,真诚,认真。 做“勤奋执着真诚的设计者”,永远怀着做一个项目,树一个口碑,交一帮朋友的虔诚心态,在设计这条道路上,充满信心坚定前行的信念。 设计服务:精品酒店设计、民宿微酒店设计、特色餐饮空间设计、写字楼办公空间设计、会所设计、展厅空间设计、品牌商业连锁等设计项目及大型公建的室内设计。 |