项目名称:河南电子商务有限公司办公室空间设计 Project name: Henan e-commerce co. 项目地址:河南省安阳市 Project address: LTD Anyang city, henan province 项目时间:2016年8月 Project time: In August 2016 项目面积:400平米 Project area: 400 square meters 主要用材:水泥板,铝方通,抛光砖,玉砂玻璃,文化石,喷漆板 Main materials:Cement board, aluminum square, polishing brick, jade sand glass, cultural stone, spray paint board 办公室空间设计团队设计了位于河南安阳市的悦享电子商务有限公司。办公室运用混凝土、玻璃、铁件等建材,营造了一种低调沈稳的氛围,配上裸露管线,乍看之下觉得冷峻,但设计师辅以木作元素提升暖度,处处流露温厚细节。 Born design team designed the yuehong e-commerce co., LTD., located in anyang city, henan province. Office using building materials such as concrete, glass, iron, created a low-key calm atmosphere, with bare pipeline, at first glance, feel cold, warm, but the designer with wooden elements increase his gentle details.

从粗犷工业感办公区域,转换到清新北欧休憩场域,整体氛围改变之间,也让办公室午餐、下午茶时段显得更为迷人,运用挑高设计、不规则木质阶梯以及保有些许Loft风的裸露白顶,在公司就像在家或咖啡厅般惬意,有助于员工激发新灵感,同时让访客留下深刻印象,却又不同于真正的茶室咖啡厅。湖北般若茶室文化空间设计与Ces't la vie法式咖啡店设计等项目中的氛围营造更加随性。 From rugged industrial office area, the transition to the fresh Nordic open field, between changes in the overall atmosphere, also let the office for lunch, afternoon tea time appear more attractive, with high design, irregular wooden ladder, and retain a Loft wind bare white tip, like at home or cafe, comfortable in the company, help staff to inspire new ideas, at the same time let visitors leave deep impression.

博仁设计BORN DESIGN 专业设计领域:精品酒店设计、民宿客栈设计、餐饮空间设计、办公空间设计、品牌连锁店设计、文化创意空间等商业空间设计 ROFESSIONALDESIGN FIELD: Design of boutique hotel, hotel design, catering space design, office space design, brand chain design, cultural creative space and other commercial space design 综合设计领域:艺术陈设、照明设计、VIS视觉艺术。 INTEGRATEDDESIGN AREAS: Art display、Lighting design、VIS visual art