项目名称:云南律师事务所办公室空间设计 Project name: Yunnan law firm 项目地址:云南省昆明市 Project address: Kunming, yunnan province 项目时间:2017年3月 Project time: March 2017 项目面积:400平米 Project area: 400 square meters 主要用材:白色软膜,黑钛金不锈钢,烤漆玻璃,木饰面,乳胶漆 Main materials: white soft film, black titanium stainless steel, baking glass, wood veneer, latex paint 律师这个行业越来越受到亲睐,无论是个人律师事务所还是大型律师事务服务公司将会越来越多,然而一个律师事务所的生意好坏,除了跟律师本身资质与交谈能力有关系之外,和整个律师事务所办公室空间设计也是分不开的。 Lawyers, the industry is more and more favourite personal lawyer or large transaction service company will be more and more, however, a law firm in the business of good or bad, in addition to qualification as a lawyer itself with conversation ability, and the law firm office decoration design is also inseparable.

刘先生的事务所位于云南省景洪市,面积300平方米,上下两层,整个空间划分为开放式工作区、封闭式工作区、会议区间和休闲装饰区。整体的氛围简约又不失稳重,中式的风格融入了现代简约。南京贸易公司新中式办公室设计案例中也是运用中式与现代简约结合的风格。 Mr. Liu's office is located in jinghong city, yunnan province, with an area of 300 square meters and two floors. The whole space is divided into open workspace, closed working area, meeting interval and leisure decoration area. The general atmosphere is simple and sober, the style of Chinese style is integrated into modern simplicity.Nanjing trading company's new Chinese office design case also USES the style of Chinese style and modern simplicity.

一个好的律师事务所办公室空间设计,能够体现律师本人的个性与能力,就像绿叶衬托花朵一样。律师事务所办公室常常比较端庄、稳重、严肃,所以博仁设计团队在云南律师事务所的项目设计中,比较注意整体颜色的选择与搭配,及办公室家具的选择。 A good law firm office design can reflect the lawyer's own personality and ability, just like the green leaf foil flowers. Law firm office often more dignified, calm and steady, serious, so Born design company in yunnan, a law firm in project design, more attention to the overall color selection and collocation, and the selection of office furniture.

博仁设计BORN DESIGN 专业设计领域:精品酒店设计、民宿客栈设计、餐饮空间设计、办公空间设计、品牌连锁店设计、文化创意空间等商业空间设计 ROFESSIONALDESIGN FIELD: Design of boutique hotel, hotel design, catering space design, office space design, brand chain design, cultural creative space and other commercial space design 综合设计领域:艺术陈设、照明设计、VIS视觉艺术。 INTEGRATEDDESIGN AREAS: Art display、Lighting design、VIS visual art