一品脱酒馆选址于杭州市城西银泰城,作为临街商铺具备优越的地理位置。品牌的服务旨在于为用户提供多元、平等、丰富的酒水体验,前期在与甲方的沟通中,对空间设计的独特要求便是要将所有的酒类陈列于室内视觉开放区。设计师在空间规划中便围绕展示酒这个核心产品而展开,用设计的语言将酒类陈列与室内环境营造巧妙融合,为来访者提供一个具有浓厚品酒氛围的休闲空间。 Located in YINTIME CITY, west of Hangzhou, One Pint Pub has a good location as a street shop. The service of the brand aims to provide users with diversified, equal and rich beverage experience. In the early stage of communication with party a, the unique requirement of space design is to display all wines indoors. In the space planning, the designer will focus on displaying the core product of wine, and create an ingenious fusion of wine display and indoor environment with the language of design, providing visitors with a leisure space with a strong wine tasting atmosphere.
原建筑超大落地玻璃墙,过于开放与通透,对酒类的保存有所影响,与设计师所设想的酒吧方向有所冲突,在入口处设置超高幕墙双面酒柜,为整个空间制造一种深邃的神秘感。定制防紫外线半透光玻璃贴膜,即遮光,又有通透性。夜幕降临,外立面将室内的景象融入城市,动人的音乐和无隐约的灯光意中唤起路过的人们进去一探究竟的欲望。 The original building's huge floor-to-ceiling glass wall is in conflict with the bar direction envisaged by the designer. A double-sided wine cabinet with super curtain wall is set at the entrance to create a profound sense of mystery for the whole space. Custom-made anti-ultraviolet semi-permeable glass film, namely shading, and permeability. As night fell, the facade blended the interior scene into the city, with faint lights and moving music inadvertently evoking the desire of passing people to enter and visit.
品酒区分为啤酒与鸡尾酒区,散座区方便为顾客品享酌酒西餐。四周围合式酒架与环形吧台设计完美解决了酒的陈列问题,错落的酒架贯穿了空间的纵深,为空间带来质感与活力。可编程灯光设计,丰富了多彩的体验氛围。 The wine tasting area is divided into beer and cocktail area. The integrated wine rack and annular bar around the four sides perfectly solved the display problem of the wine, and the scattered wine rack ran through the depth of the space, bringing texture and vitality to the space. Programmable lighting design enriches the colorful experience atmosphere.
精酿啤酒区▽Beer area
11米左右宽的立体酒柜,陈列2000余种啤酒,展示出选择的多样性。 The three-dimensional wine cabinet, about 11 meters wide, displays more than 2,000 kinds of beer, showing the diversity of choices.
鸡尾酒区▽cocktail area
设计的最初理念便是尝试为顾客提供一个纯粹的品酒空间,吧台设置较多座位,目的就是方便品酒者与调酒师近距离沟通,制造放松的、沉浸式品酒氛围,是对品酒文化与品酒习惯的传承与执行。中央环岛吧台,视线通透,使坐在每一处的顾客看到的都是开放型视觉中心。 The original idea of the design was to try to provide customers with a pure tasting space, with more seats in the bar, so as to facilitate close communication between the wine connoisseurs and bartenders and create a relaxed and immersive tasting atmosphere, which is the inheritance and implementation of the wine tasting culture and habits. Central around the island bar, line of sight, so that sitting in each of the customers are open visual center.
立体悬挂式酒架使空间更具层次性。橡木饰面与皮质软包家具营造温和的舒适感。卡座沙发凸显空间的延续性,呈现静穆舒朗的气质,在此即能独自小酌,又能与朋友对饮。 Three - dimensional suspension wine rack to make the space more hierarchical. Oak trim and soft leather upholstery create gentle comfort. Booth sofa highlights the continuity of space, presents the temperament of quiet and smooth, can drink alone here, can drink with friend again.
项目名称:一品托酒馆 项目地址:浙江 杭州 项目面积:200㎡ 竣工时间:2018.08 主创团队:汤瑞吉、邢良、许立强 设计公司:杭州宣驰装饰设计有限公司 摄 影 师:陈兵 设计主材:花纹做旧不锈钢、橡木、黑色地砖
Project name: One Pin Pub Project address: Hangzhou, zhejiang province The project area: 200 ㎡ Completion date: 2018.08 Main team: Tommy, Anna, Qvent Design company:Hangzhou Trenchant decoration design co. LTD Photographer: james chan Main materials: used stainless steel, oak, black tile
设计师将酒类陈列与室内环境营造巧妙融合 整个空间充满一种深邃的神秘感 你觉得这套作品怎么样呢 认真点评奖励10-200金币!