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Esi Burger餐厅是一家温馨舒适的餐厅,坐落于伊朗德黑兰的Sohrevardi街上,距离作为城市集散空间的Palizi广场非常近。
Esi burger is a cozy intimate restaurant located on Sohrevardi Street in Tehran, very close to people’s gathering space in Palizi square.
▼餐厅室内外局部,partial view of the inside and outside restaurant

在建筑事务所Admun Studio接手本项目的设计前,这里曾是一个著名的连锁餐厅的分店,然而,尽管项目基地位于一个热闹繁荣的街区内,但其客流量却不甚理想,因此,在设计前,建筑事务所Admun Studio需要对周边环境进行调研,搞清楚客流量欠佳的原因。建筑师们发现基地附近的果汁饮品店和Palizi广场周边的小餐馆们每天都能吸引来自德黑兰不同地区的人们,虽然这些小店们没有足够的服务设施(甚至有些店连休息空间都没有),但它们的顾客们仍旧感到舒适和满足。这也说明了便利设施并不是这片区域的餐饮空间的重点,所以,在这个广场环境中,应该有更加重要的设计因素,这引起了设计团队的兴趣。或许,这个广场能够提供给人们一些其他的东西,比如自由、选择和社会关系等。他们希望能够自主选择希望与之交往的人,并与其他人分享社交活动的乐趣。
Before Admun Studio was commissioned to design this project the place had been used as a branch of quite a well-known chain restaurant and in spite of being in a crowded neighborhood it could not attract enough customers and this made us wonder what was going on in nearby juice shops and small restaurants surrounding Palizi square that attracted people from different parts of Tehran while these places did not provide considerable amenities (not even sitting spaces) and yet their customers looked satisfied and content. Seemed like lack of amenities did not matter to their customers so there should exist something more important on this square and it was very interesting for the design team. Probably people can satisfy one of their other needs on this square, need for freedom, choice, and social relationships. They like to be free of musts and must nots and share the joy and excitement of a social activity with other human beings.
▼从街道看餐厅室内,一系列平台和座椅提供了自由的空间,interior view of the restaurant from the street, platforms and chairs provide a free space

Taking into consideration that this neighborhood without its culture is not desirable for people was an important fact. Therefore, the design was based on the city and neighborhood as the context of people’s presence and subcultures, and the team decided to create an interconnected space inspired from the city, culture, function and public social events. The best solution to achieve this goal was to go beyond the regular design patterns of restaurants and create an integrated space using platforms forming various sub-functions.
▼餐厅室内局部,一系列子功能平台创造出一个完整的空间,partial interior view, platforms forming various sub-functions create an integrated space

Use of green plants helped to reinforce all that was expected from the space by defining boundaries resulting in a more legible space and also creating walls to act as a backrest for people, adding a sense of safety to space. Moreover, the plants strengthened privacy by limiting view and created an active and lively garden integrating with the platforms. Eventually, in order to thoroughly connect this garden to the city, its doors became open to it and the restaurant floor and platforms were covered with a material like the pedestrian, blurring the boundary between inside and outside to create a restaurant which is an urban space within the context of the city.
▼室内空间局部,采用高度不同的平台和绿植,partial interior view with platforms in different heights and plants

▼餐厅室内局部,绿植与平台相结合,打造出一个充满生机的花园,partial interior view, plants creates an active and lively garden integrating with the platforms

▼餐厅室内局部,餐厅通透的大门和地面材料配以绿植,将室内外空间完全联系起来, partial interior view, the transparent doors, floor materials and the plants thoroughly connect the inside and outside space

▼空间灵活性分析,平台以台阶的形式创造出不同空间,flexibility analysis, platforms create different spaces with the steps

▼餐厅室内局部,平台、桌子、座椅、台阶的表面相互转换,partial interior view, the surfaces of the platforms, tables, chairs and stairs transform to one another

Simultaneously light and inexpensive tables and chairs, made of wooden cable drums, were added to the platforms to create a cozy free intimate space with a potential to be personalized, giving every user the chance to choose the space matching his/her mood. Sometimes he/she can choose a bench-like platform next to other people to start a conversation in a social atmosphere or own a personal territory within the urban ambiance of the restaurant to experience a peaceful and safe personal space.
▼餐厅局部,设置由木制电缆卷筒打造而成的桌椅,partial interior view with tables and chairs made of wooden cable drums

▼项目区位图,the location

▼平面布置图,layout plan







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