“阻隔、通透、层递、数组,透过几何量体概念于空间之中,创造崭新的工作场域”。项目位于现代高楼建筑,属于商业办公大楼,基地位于南京。打破循规蹈矩的设计窠臼,在现代的办公空间里,植入艺廊基底作为调性主轴;空间结构上,透过几何量体分布于空间之中,阻隔、通透、层递、数组,让区域与区域之间有着沟通与串连的属性。摒除旧有固定结构的墙体概念,利用通顶的活动门片取代墙体隔间的功能;门扇的启闭让每个场域都能获得开放与独立的使用机能,回旋的动线除了使人在空间中行走自如之余,也增添了犹如走在巷弄中的些许趣味。 “ Separations, connection, stackle, and array structure. Concept created with these factors brings the Rubik’s cube like space.” This project is an office located in a commercial building in Nanjing, China. Instead of the stereotype of office design, the designer attempted to create gallery into this office as the key feature. Moreover, the geometrical structures are the other main factor for special concept, such as circle, triangle, square and rectangular, to create areas for different function. Some divisions between different areas are movable thus the areas could be divided as well as connected depends on the occasion which brings the most flexibility. On the other hand, to enrich the variation in the office, the icon of art gallery is adopted into the space. All these ideas putting together giving interest to people walking around, making it like an easy walk in the tranquil lanes. ▼通过阻隔、通透、层递、数组创造崭新的工作场域, space created through separations, connection, stackle, and array structure
▼办公空间采用内部几何形体量,保持区域连贯,geometry blocks are inserted in the office, keeping the connection
偌大的空间,以盒状概念将每一个办公区域放置在空间里,布局划分出使用机能及动线分布。几何形的块状堆砌,带起了设计的灵感。长形柜台、方正小会议室、圆弧围塑的会客区,构筑了前缘的接待空间。独立接待区如同卷筒状的弧形结构,穿过方正的小会议室,二者之间似是相连,实是各自独立;镂空的手法让场域视觉隐约穿透之外,也带来光线及空气的相互流动。 By the main concept of geometric, every functional area was created in an box form into the space. The front counter which is rectangular, the square-shaped reception room, the circle reception area, all these parts come out the front area of the office. The roll-shaped wall for reception room goes cross through the square meeting room, describes the connection out of the isolation from each other. The cutout allows the air and light flow through these spaces. ▼带有长方形柜台的入口区域,entrance space with rectangular front counter
▼接待区域,the front area of the office
▼方正的小会客室,square-shaped reception room
▼独立接待区如同卷筒状的弧形结构,the roll-shaped wall for reception room
▼圆筒和方形会议室实际为独立的结构,the roll shaped wall and square meeting room are separated from each other
走道间的二个垂直矩形量体分流了动线也成为视觉的焦点,大会议室多功能的设定,在使用上更富机能性。使用最纯粹的材质,回归原有的本色,在单纯的空间中发挥简炼的质地;灰色的天、地、壁在光的导引之下,质朴材质藉由光的映照,反映出不同的色泽深浅;阳光随着时间的递延,光影之间的转换于简练的空间中更显鲜明层次。 ▼走廊空间形成街道式的感觉,the corridors creates an easy walk in the tranquil lanes
▼大会议室,the meeting room
▼会议室可以进行多功能的用途,the meeting room can be multifunctional
▼滑动门细部,detail of the slide doors
▼彼此连通的工作空间,connected working space
透过光影照射在层层堆栈的空间结构上,使用最纯粹的材质,谱出一场轻快的节奏,回归原有的本色,表现简炼的质地。在深浅层次灰阶为主调性的空间中,办公区白色桌椅和天花薄型灯片在空间创造明显的对比反差。 As the lights throw on the layered structures, with the access of the pure materials, it plays the delight in the space, coming back to the origin to show the simplity of materials.The white ceiling and the thin lighting panel come out the contrast in the dark grey space of the meeting room. ▼办公空间,working space
▼办公区白色桌椅和天花薄型灯片在空间创造明显的对比反差,the white tables are contrast with the thin lighting panel
转进主管办公室,作为收纳功能的柜体以蓝色几何方块设置在灰色墙立面的衬托下立体鲜明,辅以黑色及红色单椅与经典,饶富艺术感的区域让人有如置身在美术馆。 Turning to the GM office, the cabinet presented as a blue square on the grey wall together with the black and red armchairs, the room is created as a the owner’s world out of a art museum. ▼主管办公室内蓝色几何方块设置在灰色墙上,辅以黑色及红色单椅,the cabinet presented as a blue square on the grey wall together with the black and red armchairs in the GM office
屏除一般制式的做法,回归到最纯粹的空间质地,办公室不再是沉闷的场所,带点旋律也带点趣味的艺术空间,让人有不同的感受。 Breaking through the ordinary, coming from the purity of the material, the office is no longer a dull space. With the concept of an aesthetic and interesting floating gallery it comes out a unique and extraordinary result. ▼草图,sketch
项目名称:舞Moving as in a dance