Small and big 这是一套45平米的学区房,原本老房子的格局清晰可见,一大一小两间卧室,中间的客餐厅封闭而局促。但苦于砖混结构,承重墙体无法移动。设计需要思考:1.如何激活公共空间以适应新的居住方式。2. 空间布局不合理,需要在有限空间里实现功能复合。3.探索小户型空间里“小中见大”这个永恒的主题。“小中见大”这个园林里最经典的题目,始终对设计师有着无法抗拒的诱惑力。 ▼室内概览,interior overview
▼小中见大,‘much in little
Seeing through 原本两个封闭的房间均朝中心空间敞开,原本的主卧门洞被扩大,次卧开一小窗朝向餐厅,使整体空间流通起来,站在阳台的位置可以一眼望穿到儿童房。主卧空间退让出一部分用作客厅。次卧作为儿童房,则别有洞天,是小朋友的乐园。 The designer makes two enclosed rooms all open to the central space. The original master bedroom door is enlarged, and a small window of children’s room is towards the dining room, allowing the whole spatial mobility. Standing on the balcony, you can see the children’s room at a glance. The master bedroom is used as part of the living room. And the children’s room is a paradise for children. ▼改造前(左)后(右)平面对比,floor plan before (left) and after (right) renovation
原本“房间—走廊—房间”的模式,被彻底打破。“阳台—主卧—客厅—餐厅—次卧”,空间沿进深方向层层展开,一条视线通廊贯穿全屋。原本封闭的空间关系被细腻的分隔成五个层次,层层展开,彼此之间连而不断。家,被一眼望穿。小房子,自然就显得大了些。 ▼轴测图,axon
▼设计彻底打破了原有的布局模式,the original pattern of layout was entirely broken
玄关 | Entrance 将主卧门洞扩大,次卧的墙上开一扇方窗,正对主卧,空间变得通透。入户墙面的灰色磁性漆,是让小朋友随意涂画,记录生活的地方。墙角的夜灯亮起,便是每天回家的仪式。餐厅和厨房二合一,极大增加了厨房的操作台面积。 By enlarging the original master bedroom door and opening a small window of children’s room facing the master bedroom, the space becomes transparent. The grey magnetic wall is for children to paint and record their lives. The two-in-one dining room and kitchen greatly increased the operating area of the kitchen. ▼玄关墙角的夜灯,the entrance area with a night-light
▼厨房和餐厅,kitchen and dining room
主卧 | Master bedroom 主卧面阔四米五,进深五米四,占了整套房子近一半的面积,空间可以进行复合利用。设计将主卧大床尽量靠近阳台,在另一侧留出一个小客厅。 The main bedroom is 4.5 meters wide by 5.4 meters deep, accounting for nearly half of the entire house. The space can be used in combination. The designer places the master’s bed as close to the balcony as possible, leaving a small living room on the other side. ▼主卧大床尽量靠近阳台,the master’s bed was placed as close to the balcony as possible
房门稍作改动,拓宽成一扇移门和一扇移窗的组合。白天,门扇窗扇全打开,把小客厅挤向中心,贡献给全家使用。 The door is modified to a sliding door and a sliding window. During the day, the door is fully open, and the small living room is contributed as the center for the whole family. ▼主卧移门移窗,the sliding door and window of bedroom
阳台 | Balcony 阳台一侧承担男主人的书房功能,窗下留出一组书架。另一侧承担洗衣晾晒等生活功能,洗衣台,洗衣机,烘干机一字排开。 One side of the balcony bears the function of the master’s study room, leaving a set of bookshelves under the window. The other side undertakes the function of laundry, and the washing machine and dryer are lined up. ▼从卧室望向阳台,view to the balcony
More than seeing through “望得穿”,让房子大了些,可这还不够,还能再大些。不是面积再大些,是感觉上再大些。有“小”的衬着,“大”的才会“更大”。 主卧沿面阔方向设置通高储物柜,将45平米小户型储物潜力发挥到极致。男主人的书桌,女主人的梳妆台,都被巧妙地置入其中。通过空间分而不隔的设计,让每个家庭成员都拥有属于自己的独立空间。床头内藏一组小壁橱,与阳台储物空间相连,方便放置睡前读物。 “Seeing through” makes the house appear bigger, but this is not enough-it can be extended bigger. The house shows up “bigger” against “small”. The main bedroom is equipped with a high wardrobe along the wall to maximize the storage potential. The man’s desk and the hostess’s dressing table are cleverly arranged. Each family member has their own independent space. A small closet above the bed for bedtime readings is connected to the balcony storage space. ▼床头壁柜,the bedside cabinet
▼书房和梳妆台,study room and
餐厅 | Dining room 原本的餐厅空间局促,无法放入正常大小的餐桌。设计使用三级导轨加定向滑轮,做出一个超长抽屉,将餐桌藏在厨柜里。小机关也能解决大问题。 The original dining room was cramped and could not place in a normal-sized dining table. The design uses a three-stage rail and directional pulleys to create an extra-long drawer that hides the table in the kitchen cabinet. Small institutions can also solve big problems. ▼餐桌被隐藏在厨柜里,the dining table is hidden in the kitchen cabinet
儿童房 | Children’s room 一共只有八平米的次卧,在成品床的基础上集齐了滑滑梯,小衣柜,玩具收纳台阶,书架,书桌和二层小阁楼,只为帮小朋友圆梦,送给她一座梦幻小屋。搭上木架,盖上轻纱,高低床变身小阁楼,左边楼梯,右边滑梯。地面抬高作为储物,当中围出一块空地,铺上垫子,摆上玩具,就是迷你游乐场。另一侧是书架和书桌,是安静学习的地方。 ▼儿童房的集成家具系统,the integrated furniture system of the Children’s room
▼台阶、滑梯和高低床,the terraced spaced and the bunk bed with a slide
▼游乐空间,playing area
▼学习空间,studying area
▼室内细部:推窗,interior detailed view
这些藏在房子各个角落的小空间,小机关,小心思,没办法一眼看全,也不能一眼看全。可以“望得穿”,但必须“看不全”,该露的露出来,该藏的藏起来。按园林里的理论,这叫“旷奥有致”。“旷”是开敞,就是“望得穿”,“奥”是幽深,就是“看不全”。在这个房子里,“小中见大”的题,非得这么解。 These small spaces hidden in all corners cannot be seen at the whole, and at a glance. You can “see through”, but you must “not see all”. According to the theory in the garden, this is called “kuang”and “ao”-“ kuang” is open, that is, ” see through “, and “Ao” is deep, that is, “not all.” ▼旷奥有致,open while sheltered
▼剖透视图,sectional perspective
使用面积: 45平方米