乙&serpentine bar是一个不寻常又充满热情的地方,以蛇为主题的空间设计营造了野性又不失细腻的双重感受,开放、包容、自我是这个时代很多人的性格,现在也是这家酒吧的性格,在这里可以感受神秘、魅惑、放松、热情,杭州一个令人瞩目的新酒吧品牌就这样诞生了。 Yi&The Serpentine Bar is an extraordinaryplace themed around snakes with enthusiasm. The snakes create an atmosphere ofwildness and delight. The bar has an atmosphere which is open, tolerant andfull of characters: you can feel mystery, temptation and relaxation as well asthe warmth of the welcome. 酒吧创始人和设计师是朋友也是合伙人,过去几年的经历让他们觉得是时候该恢复杭州的夜生活了。酷爱蟒蛇,要在店里养蟒蛇供大家欣赏是他们最初的想法,这注定是一家不同寻常的酒吧,从商业角度看,可能有些人会因为惧怕蟒蛇而不会选择这里,但生活就是要满足一部分人的赏心悦目。选择了杭州阿里巴巴公司临街地段来建立他的蛇主题酒吧,在此基础上采用了热带雨林及蜿蜒曲折的造型设计,创造了更醒目、迷人的空间设计,胜过传统的装潢。 By opening this bar, the founder and thedesigner hope to revive the nightlife of Hangzhou. Having fallen in love withpythons they have decided to make them a main feature of the bar. In terms ofbusiness, this idea can put off lots of consumers because of the fear fromthose pythons, but the reality is that life can only please part of thepeople.They have chosen to set up the bar in the street next to Alibaba inHangzhou and have used the idea of a tropical rainforest in its meanderingdesign, which creates a great contrast to the traditional style of a bar.
门头设计格栅凸起拼成的蜿蜒曲线,似一条巨蟒隐约浮现,又似一弯流水。似乎暗示着将要出现的一切。 The design for the door is a winding curve thatmade up by grid. It looks like a serpentine and it also looks like a river thatimply the things that will happen. 门厅正对墙面是一条卡通化的灯光蛇,地面无限延伸的灯光装置像是一个深不见底的黑洞,让人浮想联翩。 Entering the hallway, a cartoon, lighted snakeis on the wall in front of you. The light installation in the ground is like abottomless hole makes people think a lot 进入内部会看到整个空间被各种蜿蜒的木纹色曲面所包裹,从吧台到墙面,从墙面到顶面,蜿蜒起伏、连绵不断,像是从某个看不到的角落生长出来的一般。所有的曲面都是随机而来,没有一个面是重复的,这种不确定性给人带来神秘又刺激的空间体验。 Inside the bar, the surrounding walls, theceiling and the bar counter are covered by various kinds of wood grain curvedesign. It grows from nowhere. All the curves are random and each one of themis unique from others. This uncertainty gives people mysterious and excitingfeelings.
2米*3米的生态缸里潜藏着一条手臂粗的蟒蛇,缸面所有的植物都是真的,会不断生长。自动喷淋系统加上自动照明系统,让我们把热带雨林的生态系统搬到了杭州。 A 2m*3m terrarium has a python that is as big asa man’s arm. All the plants in the terrarium are real and they will growcontinuously. The automatic spraying system and the automatic lighting systemgives the same condition as the tropical rainforest ecosystem. 传说中看人一眼会石化的美杜莎,现在变成我们珠宝展示的背景。每个桌子均为手工制作,可开启的方式兼顾桌子和珠宝展示的功能。 Medusa is the background of our jewelryexhibition. Every desk is hand-made and it can either be a desk or anexhibition desk.
空间内木纹色双曲面造型,与工厂反复沟通并多次实验最终达到效果,整个造型采用毫米为单位,1:1的比例精准建模,工厂采用类似3D打印的技术制作,现场组装并补缝,最后手工多遍矿物涂料完成木纹效果。 The whole design inside the bar is printed by 3Dtechnique by the factory. It is extremely accurate that the factory usesmillimeter as unit. The workers assembled all these parts in the bar and usedmineral paint to paint several times in order to make a wood grain vision.
项目名称/ Project name:杭州乙酒吧/Serpentine Bar 项目地址/ Project location:中国杭州市赛银国际广场/SunKingPlazaGaojiaorood Hangzhou china 建筑面积/Gross Built Area:150㎡ 设计单位/ Design company:杭州九合创新设计服务有限公司/JIUHESPACE 设计范围/Design scope:室内硬装、软装、景观 主创及设计团队/ Leader designer & Team:申通stong;李娇乔lijiaojoe、周瑜zhouyu 设计时间/ Design year :2018-03 竣工时间/ Completion Year:2018-06 客户信息/Clients:杭州楚乙酒吧有限公司 主要材料/ Material:GRG、矿物涂料、钢化玻璃、不锈钢、蛇纹砖、大理石、樟子松 合作品牌/Brands:生态缸:杭州阿特浦斯景观工程有限公司 曲面GRG:上海金杞装饰工程有限公司 木纹效果:杭州赫艺装饰有限责任公司\西塔艺术涂料