Redgen Mathieson是一家位于悉尼的建筑设计工作室,由设计总监Phillip Mathieson于2010年与Harlan Redgen共同创立。其核心理念是强烈的规模感、形式感和材料感,并强调精致细节的空间,以超越不断变化的时尚。
RedgenMathieson is a Sydney-based architectural design studio, established by PhillipMathieson and Harlan Redgen in 2010. Central to this philosophy is a strongsense of scale, form and material, and an emphasis on finely detailed spacesbuilt to outlast changing fashions.
Phillip Mathieson是新南威尔士州、ACT和维多利亚建筑师委员会的注册建筑师,他领导一种以真实,永恒的设计和规划严谨的现代主义原则为基础的设计方法。
Phillip is aregistered architect with the NSW, ACT and Victorian Board of Architects, andhe leads an approach to design that is grounded in Modernist principles ofauthentic, timeless design and planning rigour.
With experienceacross residential projects, boutique multi-residential developments, hotelsand commercial buildings, Phillip has developed a broad knowledge ofarchitecture and master planning while leading the design of high-profileprojects in Australia and overseas.
Redgen Mathieson是澳大利亚建筑师协会的A +会员,并且是NSW和ACT建筑师委员会的注册建筑公司。公司拥有一支富有创造力和热情的建筑师和室内设计师团队,在建筑和室内设计的高端项目方面拥有丰富的经验。
RedgenMathieson is an A+ Practice Member of the Australian Institute of Architectsand is a registered Architectural Practice with the NSW and ACT Board ofArchitects. Redgen Mathieson is supported by a creative and enthusiastic teamof architects and interior designers, With extensive experience in high-endprojects in architecture and interior design.