You Jian Studio 是国内一家精品室内设计公司,倡导做有爱的设计,探索人与人之间相互连结的情感。“又见”致力于高品质生活空间的营造,用不同场景给主人演绎生活的调性。
You Jian Studio is a boutique interior design company in China, which advocates designing with love and explores the interconnection between people..Space is a reflection to the taste of life. "You Jian"commites to create one high-quality living space, deduce the tune of the host's life with different scenes.
屋内弥漫着咖啡的清香,曼妙的音乐。或在午后依窗而立,洋溢着温暖与朝气。或倦曲在沙发中,捧一本闲书,和幽静的灯光一起慵懒。 The room was filled with the smell of coffee and beautiful music. Leaning by the window afternoon , brimming with warmth and vitality. Or curling into the sofa, by holding an idle book, lazy with the soft lights.
在高效快节奏工作过后,每个人都奢望家是一种慰籍,一种柔软,有种淡淡五味的情愫。 Everyone expects home is a kind of comfort, a soft place after fast-pace of everyday's work.
用灯光与颜色渲染出氛围,卧室的安宁,书房的静谧,起居室的活泼与开放,厨房社交中浓浓的亲情。 Home is accompany us through the life, but still fresh. Rendering out the atmosphere with lights and colors, the comfort of the bedroom, the quiet of the study room, the lively opening living room, the family's love full of kitchen.
不刻意奢华和过度的形式,每一件用品都恰如其分的在那里,舒适、温暖。这就是简简单单,每个人心目中家的模样。 Do not deliberately create luxury and do not formalism, and every piece of supplies are appropriate there, comfortable, warm. This is the simplicity, the ideal home in everyone's mind.