“一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州。”宏村既有山林野趣,又有水乡风貌,素有“中国画里的乡村”之美誉。村中各户皆有水道相连,汩汩清泉从各户潺潺流过,层楼叠院与湖光山色交辉相映,处处是景,步步入画。青梅学社诗莉莉酒店就位于白墙青瓦、低檐粉黛的徽州宏村外。 Hongcun has both the wildness of the mountains and the scenery of the waters. It is known as the “village in Chinese painting”. Every household in the village has a waterway connected, and the clear springs flow slowly from each other. The layers of the courtyard are in harmony with the lakes and mountains, and the scenery is everywhere, step by step into the painting. Qingmei Xueshe Shilili Hotel is located outside Huizhou Hongcun, with white walls and blake tiles. ▼建筑外观,Architectural appearance
酒店由七栋不同时期建造的徽派建筑组成。建筑实施保护性修复,做到修旧如旧并保持徽派建筑独有的砖雕、石雕、木雕来做装饰。利用地理优势将山间小溪引流,经过酒店每栋建筑最终汇聚堂前形成一波清池。 The hotel consists of seven Huizhou buildings built in different periods. The renovation of the building ensures that the old is as old as it is. In the process of repairing, the brick carvings, stone carvings and wood carvings unique to the Huizhou architecture are preserved. The geographical advantage is used to divert the mountain stream to each building in the hotel, and finally form a wave of clear pools in front of the church. ▼厅堂:徽州建筑的主体,也作为酒店接待宾客之处, The hall is the main body of Huizhou architecture, and it is also used as a hotel reception guest.
Strolling along the promenade is no longer boring, you can stop at the pool to enjoy the lotus flowers and watch the fish play in the water. ▼建筑外观,Architectural appearance
▼户外泳池,The outdoor swimming pool
▼户外泳池,The outdoor swimming pool
▼客房院落,Guest room courtyard 门罩、天井、庭院和砖石雕镂的漏窗矮墙将客房分列两侧互不干扰确保客房的私密。 The door hood, patio, courtyard and masonry louvered low wall will separate the rooms from each other and ensure the privacy of the room.
“青山绿水引诗赋,墨瓦白墙牵画魂。”以窗框为画框敞其观户外四季变换中的水墨宏村奇景,在不破坏建筑外观的同时设计保留旧窗格元素对原窗进行扩宽及重设。室内保留部分老木质材料及裸露粗犷的木结构,让人感受岁月在其身上流逝的痕迹。 With the window frame as the frame, you can see the Hongcun wonders like the ink painting in the outdoor season. Designed to retain the old pane elements and to widen and rebuild the original window without destroying the exterior of the building. The interior retains some of the old wooden materials and the exposed rough wooden structure, which makes people feel the traces of the years passing by. ▼建筑细部,Architectural details
各处粉黛随四季更替会呈现时节自然的画面。 The colorful colors of the various places will show different natural images as the seasons change.
就地取材将院落修整后的竹子制成竹扫把,将圆形水磨石汤池之间作围合隔断。 Take the local materials, make the trimmed bamboo into a bamboo broom, and cut off the round terrazzo hot springs. ▼建筑布局, Architectural layout
项目名称:青梅学社-宏村半山诗莉莉酒店 项目地址:安徽宏村 使用材料:青砖,灰瓦,木,砖雕,水磨石, 项目面积:4000m2 完工时间:2019.01 设计公司:埂上设计事务所 主案设计师:文志刚 黄圆满 专案设计师:黄小清 钟文娟 摄影:喻楚迪/诗莉莉酒店 公司作品: 深圳 青缇新日式料理
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