本帖最后由 埂上设计 于 2019-9-24 14:15 编辑
在此次项目的设计前期,我们对办公空间的分析,认为秩序,是它最显著的特征。 At the previous of this design case, we analyzed that the most significant feature for office space is order.
不管是行军列队,还是数字矩阵,秩序能带来的是规矩、严谨、毫不拖泥带水等象征意义。而这也与办公空间的气质相吻合。 Whether it is the order of military ranks or the order of number, it can symbolize the spirit of standards, strict, and decisively behavior. And it is identical with the qualities of working area.
所以从秩序感这一办公空间的主要特性中,延伸出我们此次设计案例的主要设计手法:阵列。 我们在空间的打造上,优先考虑的是凸显秩序这一特征,来强调办公室空间的专业度的气质。 So we extended our main design method of our design case out of the office space feature:Order. We gave the priority to highlight the feature of order to emphasize the professionalism of the office.
办公区域在空间中占了很大的比重,它主要包含了桌椅的组合形式。这种形式有的阵列感让人无法忽视。 Working area takes greater proportion than other area in the office, it mainly contains the combination of tables and chairs. The existence of this combination has a strong sense of order which can not be ignored.
▼入口 Entrance
▼台阶,可供分享、会议、展示等功能 Steps. Function of Sharing, conference, exhibition, and others.
▼前台 Reception
其一的手法是阵列,不管是行军列队,还是数字矩阵,阵列能带来的是秩序、严谨、毫不拖泥带水等象征意义。我们在装饰构件,区域划分中都用到这一手法使空间更有序列感。 One of the methods is order, whether it is the order of military ranks or the order of number, it can symbolize the spirit of standards, strict, and decisively behavior in work. We use this technique in decorative furnishing and area division to make the space full of the sense of array.
光穿透空心砖墙形成的光影效果,使过廊不再单调悠长。办公区不再沧白淡漠。 As the light crossing through the long square brick, the corridor area is no longer narrow and seems without an ending, the working area is no longer flat and boring.
▼综合办公区 General office
▼二楼过道 2F aisle
▼洽谈区 Chat area
在灯具与家具的选择上用独特的造型来展现软装的品质。在VIP室的设计中采用局部大块镜面的方式处理,可以从多维角度反射出我们的软装无可挑剔设计成果。 The unique shapes of the lamps and furniture can show the highly quality of furnishing, We used a certain amount of large size mirror in the VIP room, it reflects our incredible soft outfit decoration design in different angle.
此次项目的设计过程也是我们对办公室的统一性与独特性如何相融的进一步探索。 The process of the design case is also an exploration of the uniformity and uniqueness of the office space.
项目名称:卡兰蒂斯·武汉办公室 项目地址:武汉 使用材料:水磨石,木地板,造型砖 项目面积:360m2 完工时间:2019.01 设计公司:埂上设计事务所 主案设计师:黄圆满 专案设计师:钟文娟 摄影:黄缅贵