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北回归线横跨境内的从化区,被誉为广州的后花园。在各种美誉和聚光灯之下,仿若世外桃源般的从化,内敛 ,优雅而沉静,甚至有几分与外界的疏离感  。

The Tropic of Cancer crosses the Conghua District in the territory,which is known as the back garden of Guangzhou. Under the various reputations and spotlights, it is like a  paradise, restrained,  elegant and quiet, and even a sense of alienation from the outside world.

温泉雾腾,森林溪涌,年历古镇,引发从化江浦果场项目设计团队的深度创意发散:我们想做的不仅是一个简单的具有销售功能的空间,更是能从细处渗透出从化地脉特色的人文生态网络 。

Hot spring fog, forest creek, and ancient town of the calendar, triggered the deep creative divergence of the design team of the Jiangpu Fruit Field Project: What we want to do is not only a simple space with sales functions, but also the ability to infiltrate the characteristics of the veins from the details. Humanistice cological network.

所以,设计师以从化人文性特质出发,综合特产荔枝的外形和特性及建筑概念,展现于整体空间陈设设计, 根据从化特有的温泉文化以及山茶文化中汲取灵感,延展到整个项目的质感朔造和精神层面的传达上。

Therefore, based on the characteristics of humanity and humanity, the designer combines the shape and characteristics of the special lychee with the architectural concept, and displays it in the overall space design. It draws inspiration from the unique hot spring culture and camellia culture, and extends to the texture of the whole project, communication and spiritual level of communication.

一/ 微观果实到宏观建筑体的转身
A / micro fruit to macroarchitecture

“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。”博得贵妃一笑的荔枝妃子笑即是从化名品——荔乡, 是我们对从化文化风情在项目中起承转合的思考起点。

"A ride on the red dust make theimperial concubine laugh, no one knows that it is a lychee." The Fizixiao lychee named here. Conghua, the land of Lychee, which is the starting point for us to think about the transformation of the culture.

不以风格斗奇,诗意宜居才是设计重点。从化文化里占据重要一角的饱满果实, 在设计团队巧思下,依据其三角形/尖锐感的触感元素,通过形态和线条的处理,创作出“荔枝”—— 独一无二的具有记忆性和地标感的艺术装置 。

It is poetic and livable that is the design focus, not a style. Litchi occupies an very important part of the local culture . under the ingenuity of the design team, according to the triangular/sharp touch elements, through the processing of shapes and lines, the unique artistic device with memoryand landmark is created by “Litchi”.  

建筑层面所表达的是一种独有的力量感、现代感和创造力,一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特,不同观者所理解的大有不同,却又基于从化特产“荔枝”的概念而有所互通;在深层所要表达的意义,则是历经触觉的尖锐感甚至不适感拨开荔枝外壳后,品尝到了清甜圆润的果肉,从中获得的愉悦与满足感,这一过程也同时象征了从化在当代经济发展进程中所经历的思考与挣扎,而后可以与时代及自身达成和解及实现一种新的相融性。建筑与空间设计在可观的层面仅代表一种 物 象,而置身其中后,在游走,互动,体验中可窥见更多物象之外的所承载的人文思绪与生活情感 . . . . . .

The architectural level expresses a unique sense of power, modernity and creativity. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand readers. The different viewers understand the difference, but they are based on the specialization of the lychee. Concepts and intercommunication; the meaning to be expressed in the deep layer is that after the tactile sharpness or even discomfort, the sweet and round flesh is tasted, and the pleasure and satisfaction obtained from it are simultaneously It symbolizes the thinking and struggle experienced by Conghua in the process of contemporary economic development, and then can reach a reconciliation with the times and itself and achieve a new kind of integration. Architecture and space design represent only one kind of object on a considerable level. After being in it, you can see more humanistic thoughts and life emotions outside the image in the walk, interaction and experience...

二/ 区域文化的拓扑图解码
B/topology decoding of regional culture


Beyond the land of Lychee, there are more and more sides for Conghua, which deserve to be refined from   tradition and return to the contemporary way of life.


TheYamagata device embedded in the space continues the triangular elements triggered by the concept of“Litchi”.From microscopic fruits to macroscopic mountains to the display of life items, it is based on the same elegant and alienated humanistic theme, with a slow The rhythm unfolds in space,telling.


Tradition and modernity are intertwined and can beviewed in the exhibition area.The ancient architectural model, which is based on the depth of history, and the setting of the theme of the hand-washed coffee, is precisely the combination of traditional culture and contemporary life, the attempt to break the boundaries between time and tradition, and the place where you can’t tell  where  you  are.  Only  for  this  moment  of  contentment...

文化的展现, 并非想象中朽木般干瘪而枯燥, 设计团队找到了更丰满更自然的表达手法。

The display of culture is not as dry and boring as the imaginary wood, and the design team has found amorefull and natural expression.

从整体建筑概念的延续到艺术装置的设计再到陈设单品的铺陈,三角形元素的意义逐渐由简至深宛如品尝荔枝般层层剥开的过程, 区域文化特性与生活美学的关系, 在这里得到完美解码。

From the continuation of the overall architectural concept to the design of the art installation to the layout of the furnishings, the meaning of the triangular elements gradually evolved from simple to deep like a process of tasting lychee, the relationship between regional cultural characteristics and aesthetics of life,here Get perfect decoding.


After many times of polishing,the design team recorded and absorbed the clues of the culture and visual information of the Conghua area, and thought about and explored the coding relationship between people and space. The spa culture, tea culture and wine tasting culture were in the form of mesh topography. Form, draw a humanistic ecological map roaming thecity.

三/ 从化诗意的生活美感答案
C / an answer to the poetic life


Culture and art is a shortcut to beautify everyone's life. The relationship between traditional culture and modern life and between man and nature has always been our most important theme. Perhaps the Jiangpu fruit field project is still not an exploration answer to Conghua, but more like culture. The bright background of aesthetics, on this basis, we put the understanding of Conghua in a little bit of architecture and space furnishings; poetic life is the most beautiful life, not only because there are infinite beauty and thoughts inside. And because there is a free meinside……






一抹微笑-赵 2019-11-7 16:17 来自: 浙江杭州
niou999 2019-11-8 10:15 来自: 湖北恩施州
niou999 2019-11-16 00:12 来自: 湖北恩施州
liu798085 2019-11-28 15:16 来自: 广东深圳
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