时光的诗意 Time Poetry
时光的流转更迭,传承历史人文的记忆 触碰当代生活的温度 The passage of time passing on the memory of history and humanity Touching the temperature of contemporary life 从千年古城到现代都市 西安沉淀太多的人文记忆 项目落址西安浐灞生态区 穿城而过的浐河、灞河牵动着它的历史脉络 From millennium old city to modern city Xi 'an has too much humanistic memory The project is located in Xi 'an Chanba ecological district Chan river and Ba river through the city affect its historical context
借由当代、内敛的东方美学语言 在新旧糅合与南北文化碰撞中 赋予城市气质和人文底蕴新认知 归觅从容优雅的当代生活 Through the contemporary, introverted Oriental aesthetic language In the mixture between old and new and the cultural collision between North and South Endowing the city temperament and new recognition of cultural heritage Going back to the quiet and elegant contemporary life
水韵 | 南北文化相融 Water Rhyme丨Fusion of South and North 以水为引 西北民风融入江南的柔美 减去一些附带价值 留下的是水面波澜几微 宁静空明、温馨从容 Taking water as guide Gentle beauty of Jiangnan is integrated into Northwest folk customs Minusing some extrinsic value What is left is a slight ripple in the water Quiet and empty, warm and easy
饱含东方韵味的素墙月门 是空间使者的别有用心 撩拨起到访者一探究竟的兴致 The moon gate which is full of Oriental charm Is the designer’s special idea Titillating the visitor's interest in getting in
时光 | 新与旧的糅合 Time | Fusion between the Old & the New 艺术之门打开人文之境的时光对话 藤编、案几、挂画等东方元素细细堆叠 以香槟金、赭石红反差点缀 一切关于时间的印记 均在淡雅内敛的木、灰色调中被沟通 The door of art opens the time dialogue of humanity Such Oriental elements stacking as rattan plait, side table, painting and so on With champagne gold, red ochre contrast ornament All about the stamp of time Is communicated in quietly elegant wood and gray attune
古韵木梁、城门旧墙收集古都的旧时光 厚重的椅子与现代麻质沙发碰撞 试图在历史与当代间 探寻到更适合的空间形态体验点 Ancient wooden beams, old gate wall collecting the old time Thick chair and contemporary linen sofa mixing Between history and the present Trying to explore a more suitable space form experience point
惬意丨空间的参与感 Cozy丨Participation sense in space 生活不该只有城市的律动 更应有诗文之洗礼 择一处清净,闲读一段时光 唤醒内心深处的依恋与回归 Life should not only be the rhythm of the city More should be the baptism of poetry Choosing a quiet place to read for a while Awaking deep feelings of attachment and return
木格栅的光影曳动落地灯的柔雅 隐射于木质屏风围合的沙发椅上 让洽谈和放松更自在舒雅 The light and shadow of wooden grille flickering the gentleness and elegance of floor lamp Splending on the sofa chair where the wooden screen encloses Making negotiation and relaxation more comfortable
留白,是给生活留下想象的空间 一株根雕艺术盆景跳脱界限 唤醒人们驻足放空,静思酝酿 再优雅漫步将时光穿梭 White Space, giving life more imaginary space A root carving bonsai jumps out of bounds Awaking people to stop and empty mind, to think brewing And walk gracefully through time
窥见 | 藏在时光里的诗意 Glimpse | Poetry hidden in time 灞水的水滴化为玻璃艺术灯具 自然光穿过古都印记的建筑空间 斑驳在老砖墙和点点水滴上 喧嚣的生活瞬间回归宁静和初美 Ba water drops becoming glass art lamps and lanterns Natural light flows through architectural space with ancient capital mark Mottled on old brick walls and drips of water The hustle and bustle life instantly returns to peace and beauty
用时光印记空间 留下传统与当代并行的痕迹 又不失国际都市气息 在有限空间内,看见生活无限可能 Marking space with time Leaving the trace of tradition and contemporary parallel Without losing the flavor of international city In a limited space, seeing the infinite possibilities of life
设计所探寻的 远不止是色彩、线条、材质等具象的组合 更是以回归内心的宁静优雅 去突破地域、人文、艺术的界限 探索当代诗意的生活方式 What design seeks Far more than color, line, material and other representational combinations All the more is returning to the heart of the quiet elegance To break the boundaries of region, humanity and art In order to explore the contemporary poetic way of life ▽ 项目所获奖项 l 英国FX国际室内设计奖 l 亚太区透视杂志 A&D TROPHY l 大中华区A&D CHINA 建+设大奖 ▽ 平面图
Location | Xi’an Chanba Ecological Region 甲方单位 | 深圳市里城投资发展有限公司 Client | Shenzhen Legend Investment development Co. , Ltd. 硬/软装设计 | 柏年印象 Interior Design | HCD IMPRESS 项目面积 | 600m2 Area | 600m2 项目摄影 | 张骑麟 Photographer | Zhang Qilin -END- 官方网站:www.hcd.com.hk 总机:(+86 755)2360 4932 商务:(+86 755)2360 4932-808/(+86)15999520093 hcdimp@hcdesign.hk 人事:(+86 755)2360 4932-801/hr@hcdesign.hk 媒体:(+86 755)2360 4932-806/info@hcdesign.hk 新浪微博:@柏年印象/http://weibo.com/hcdimpress/新浪博客 微信:柏年印象/hcd_globe 地址:深圳市福田区上梅林卓越城一期3栋506