本帖最后由 柏年印象 于 2020-1-9 16:19 编辑
项目位于福州长乐首占新区,海岸华侨之乡 漂洋过海的长乐人 接受西方文化洗礼的同时 又心怀故里荣归的思乡情节
The project is located in Shouzhan new district, Changle, Fuzhou, the hometown of overseas Chinese As the Changle people across the sea Accepting the baptism of Western culture And bearing the homesickness of returning home
从渔村文化中攫取灵感 用当代、简洁的设计手法 融合项目倡导的都市生活理念 为侨乡注入一份艺术与静雅 探寻一种当代人文的惬意生活
Drawing inspiration from the fishing village culture With contemporary, concise design technique Integrating the urban life concept advocated by the project Injecting an art and quietness into the hometown of overseas Chinese Exploring a contemporary human life of comfort
归家 | 水觅人文 Returning Home | Glimpsing Humanities from Water
水的灵动写意 将侨乡的人文记忆与当代的柔美线条相糅 唤起人们抵达空间的第一视觉共感 软膜写意天光铺引归家的路途 是心灵的留白,也是生活的温度
Vivid and freehand water Combining the humanistic memory of hometown of overseas Chinese with the soft and beautiful lines of contemporary time Arousing people the first visual sense of space when they arriving Soft mask like freehand sky light paving the way of returning home Is the white space of soul, and also the temperature of life
优雅的海洋绿与金属在墙面有序交织 让沁润心灵的情绪跃然开来 随性跳出一抹英伦绿 将视线引至徐徐开启的美好生活
The graceful ocean green and metal interweaving in the wall orderly Let mood of nourishing our mind leap to open Jumping out with a touch of British Racing green Leading your eyes to the beautiful life that slowly opens
优雅 | 不期而遇 Elegance | Unexpected Encounter
利落型线条,纯粹的空间结构和细节考究 是设计师对当代艺术审美的精髓领会 将侨乡的人文、情感几何化 带给人们一种触碰心灵的波动
Agile line, pure space structure and exquisite details It is the designer's understanding of the essence of contemporary art aesthetics The humanities and emotions of the hometown of overseas Chinese will be geometric Bringing people waves of touching of the heart
山形轮廓与吧台带来小小意趣 模糊了商业与人文的空间界限 成就空间细节的挥洒、漫延 赋予当代生活全新的印记
Mountain profile and bar bringing a small interest Blurring the space between commerce and humanity Achievements of space details Giving contemporary life a new stamp
不拘囿于风格 几何艺术、线条与色彩随性碰撞 交叠编织成一个个令人驻足的美好
Not confined to style Geometric art, line and color collision Overlapping and weaving into beautiful space with stop steps
惬意 | 预见生活 Comfort | Foreseeing Life
大量引入自然光,光影变幻 形成独特的图形移位和空间流动 纯粹的情绪,静默于此 空灵与充实,如美学散步
A large number of natural light getting through, light and shadow changing Form an unique pattern shift and spatial flow Pure emotion, silent here Ethereal and substantial, like aesthetic walk
天然亚麻与优雅的麂皮绒 化为身与心的归处 一幅半隐半现的山水意境图 于东海之畔收藏诗性的悠缓时空
Natural linen with elegant suede Becoming the home of body and mind A landscape artistic conception of half hidden and half visible Collection of poetic leisure in the East China Sea
不断偶遇惊喜的每一面 回温透明且发亮的情感记忆 配合柔和又不缺硬朗的几何抽象表达 无外乎是线条“美”的衍生与外化
Keeping bumping into every side of the surprise Warming back transparent and bright emotional memory With soft and geometric abstract expression It is nothing more than the derivation and externalization of line 'beauty'
桨形艺术雕塑独处一角 以内敛的姿态平衡整个空间 线条的勾勒和木纹肌理相呼应 将节奏分明的艺术感蔓延至更多空间
Paddle art sculpture Standing alone in the corner Balancing the whole space with introverted attitude The outline of lines echoes the texture of wood grain Spreading the artistic sense of clear rhythm to more space
设计师试图探讨更多元化的空间 与当代生活形态的关系 在这里,楼梯不仅仅是功能性的连接 更像是一座抽象的艺术装置 留存更多给予生活想象的空间
The designers tried to explore more diverse space And relationship with contemporary lifestyle Here, the staircase is more than just a functional connection It's more like an abstract art installation Leaving more room for imagination
空间集结成的人文记忆 带着令人怦然心动的情感共鸣 无需刻意的文化符号堆砌 自然流露出对美好生活的前瞻与想象
The humanity memory that the space gathers With exciting emotional resonance No deliberate accumulation of cultural symbols Naturally revealing the vision of a better life and imagination
项目名称 | 长乐阳光城蓝光·璟月 Project Name | Changle BRC & YANGO Spiritual Palace 项目性质 | 售楼中心 & 样板房 Project Category | Sales Center & Model Room 项目地点 | 福州长乐 Location | Changle, Fuzhou 甲方单位 | 阳光城地产 & 蓝光地产 Client | YANGO & BRC 硬/软装设计 | 柏年印象 Interior Design | HCD IMPRESS 项目面积 | 售楼中心 600㎡ Area | 600m2 for Sales Center 竣工时间 | 2019年9月 Completion Date | Sep. 2019 项目摄影 | 麒文摄影 Photographer | Qiwen 建筑设计 | 汇张思建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 Architecture Design | HZS 景观设计 | 安琦道尔(上海)环境规划建筑设计咨询有限公司 Landscape Design | HWA