本帖最后由 同济冰珀 于 2020-3-17 15:07 编辑
項目名稱:雪野山居名宿度假酒店 項目地址:萊蕪雪野
遠處有山,近處有樹,我聽見山的那邊泉水叮咚,黃鸝歌唱;我看見樹下蟋蟀鳴叫,牧童笛聲悠揚,壹唱壹和間,便生動演繹了壹幅雪野山居圖。"A few early warblers compete for warm trees, which new yan peck spring mud"There are mountains in the distance, trees near, I heard the mountain there springs ding dong, orioles singing; I saw the crickets chirping under the tree, the shepherd's flute melodious, singing one and between, then a vivid interpretation of the snow wild mountain
“蔭濃煙柳藏鶯語,香散風花逐馬蹄”這裏仿似遠離城市的花,獨善其身,但凡它盛開之處,水格外潔凈,空氣清新怡人,簡單樸素,只需適當的陽光、溫度、清水、石子,就能夠生根發芽。"Dense smoke willow hides warbler's language, fragrant scattered wind flowers by horseshoe"Here is like a flower far away from the city, so it can stay away from itself. Wherever it blooms, the water is exceptionally clean, the air is fresh and pleasant, and it is simple and simple. Just the right sunshine, temperature, water and stones can take root and sprout.
石塊、木頭、土地與人本是壹體,我們同源同本,同根同生,設計遵循了人與自然最和諧的相處之道,人在景中,景隨人走。 Stone, wood, land and humanity are one body, we are the same origin, the same root, the same origin, the design follows the most harmonious way of getting along with nature, people in the scene, the scene with people.
生活在某壹個時刻,應該做減法,壹棵樹就能長成茂密森林,壹滴水便能形成山川江河,壹粒石子便見美麗山谷,壹朵雲就是澄澈天空。 A tree can grow into a dense forest, a drop of water can form mountains and rivers, a stone can see a beautiful valley, a cloud is a clear sky.
WPD王冰珀設計(香港總部):中國香港九龍旺角道33號凱途發展大廈7樓04室 WPD王冰珀設計(北京):北京市朝陽區朝外大街26號8B-015WPD王冰珀設計(濟南):山東省濟南市高新區舜華路2000號舜泰廣場2 號樓10 層