hilight.design是一家来自波兰的设计工作室,该工作室致力于创造现代和时尚的内饰,指引着我们一些主要的想法,但最主要的是——我们为你设计。所以,你的气质,你的能量和你的角色是一个项目的根本原因的地方你住在应该是你的一部分。而我们,不断创新功能、风格和不寻常的解决方案,给我们室内设计带来更大的想象空间。 hilight.design is an architecture and design studio, creating modern and stylish interiors. We are guided by some major ideas, but the main one is - we design for you. So, your style, your energy and your character are fundamental for a project cause a place you live in should be a part of you. From our side, we add functionality, style and unusual solutions that give a shape to the interiors we design.
01。 LIPKOW HOUSE 温润细腻的极简格调
hilight.design工作室最新设计,位于波兰华沙,一所度假别墅,设计师通过极简主义手法,融合东方元素,创造了一个儒雅而舒适的居住空间。Hilight. The latest design, the design studio is located in Warsaw, Poland, a vacation home, stylist through minimalist style, fusion of Oriental elements, creates an elegant and comfortable living space.
02。 MARIOUS HOUSE 开放大气的儒雅居所
This case is located in the stopper Bruce, and the integration of the environment,Eco-friendly materials perfectly matched with greenery, a color palette that makes you relax and enjoy a nice evening. Glazing, concrete and wood combined with technology and modernity. This is an interior of a house we designed and implemented… would you like to live in a place like that?
03。 PALACOWA 纯粹淡雅的心灵港湾
A luxurious apartment in Warsaw designed with a strong attention to details. The place shines! It impresses the guests and brings comfort to its tenants. Drop us a line if you’d like your place to look like this… or even better! And we will design a perfect home for you and your loved ones!