"Dear friend, nice to meet you..." The baby saw an elf waving to him outside the window, So he ran barefoot, with his best friend in his arms, and ran after the elf out of the window, as they run, they see a colorful version of "Fantasyland.",Snow White and her friends live in the town...
大厅及公共区过道 《白雪公主》
孩子用好奇的眼光看待世界,幼儿园大厅及公共区过道以《白雪公主和七个小矮人》的童话故事为设计理念,“蓝胖子”守护的城堡里透出五彩斑斓的光芒,充满了神奇,第一次遇见便吸引着孩子们迫不及待一探究竟,前厅彩色装置艺术是引导孩子通往童话世界的阶梯,通过拱形门后的造梦隧道,追寻孩子“蓬勃生长”的力量。 Children look at the world with curious eyes, lobby and common area corridor is based on the fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, there were brilliant colors in the castle guarded by“Blue fatty”, the first encounter attracts children who can't wait to find out, the colorful installation art in the front hall is the ladder leading the children to the fairy tale world, the tunnel through which dreams are made behind arched doors, pursue your child's ability to grow.
孩子最初通过颜色、形状、声音 等感官刺激直观的感知世界,而幼儿园作为他们初次接触到的教育空间,色彩的选择和搭配尤为重要,接待空间延续梦幻的空间配色,搭配柔软舒适的软装家具,打造一个纯净美好、有温度的休憩空间。 The child initially perceives the world intuitively through sensory stimuli such as color, shape, and sound, kindergarten as their first contact with the educational space, the choice of colour and collocation are particularly important, reception space continues the dreamy space color scheme, match with comfortable furniture, create a pure and beautiful, warm rest space.
空间设计多以柔和的曲线和弧形为主,不同色彩拱门后对应不同的功能空间,配合多元化课程引导孩子们「学习」,借用孩子的视角,在天马行空、古灵精怪的想象中培养一切未知的美好。 The design of the space is based on soft curves, use different colors to differentiate the space, guide children to "learn" with a variety of courses, use a child's perspective, Cultivate the beauty of all that is unknown.
设计师选用粉色蓝色为主的梦幻色彩,将童话搬进现实,为孩子们打造一座造梦之城。 The designer chose dreamy colors such as pink and blue, bring the fairy tale into reality, build a city of dreams for children.
设立国学馆,鼓励孩子从观察、思考和创意多维度探索发掘,让城市中更新的一代能够在爱与美的滋养中快乐成长,在寓教于乐的空间体验感中感知未来。 there are many functional Spaces such as national school, encourage children to explore from the perspective of observation, thinking and creation, so that children can grow up happily in the nourishment of love and beauty, create a space where education is taught through fun.
绘本室 《长发公主》
苏霍姆林斯基曾说“让学校的每一面墙壁都开口说话。”在幼儿园的设计中,教育始终是中心重点,图书馆空间作为孩子汲取知识的场所,设计师希望孩子不仅能够收获知识,更重要的是埋下一颗梦想的种子,激发幻想。 Sukhomlinsky once said, "Let every wall of the school speak.", in the design of kindergarten, education is always the central focus, the library is an important place for children to acquire knowledge, designers hope that children can not only gain knowledge, but also plant a seed of dream and inspire fantasy
开放式的阅读分区,神奇的蘑菇屋,飘在空中的热气球等童话元素的无缝接入,拉近了童话绘本与孩子间的距离,充分利用空间的同时营造兼具自然艺术感的文化教育氛围,开启孩子们阅读乐趣的大门。 The open reading partition, the magic mushroom house, hot air balloons float in the air, it brings children closer to the picture books of fairy tales, make full use of the space while creating a cultural and educational atmosphere with a sense of natural art.
手工教室 《灰姑娘》
手工教室是灰姑娘华丽变身的花园,可移动的桌椅既方便管理,又可以满足不同的学习模式,做到功能独立又整体美观统一。 The handcraft classroom is The garden of Cinderella's gorgeous transformation, a movable table and chair, it is convenient for management and can satisfy different learning modes.
设计师将孩童“不拘泥的审美力、无穷尽的想象力”以童话场景的叙事导览展开,聆听孩童的童话畅想,描摹他们的童梦与童心,用设计打造一场神秘、梦幻、童趣、艺术交织的梦境之旅,延续孩子们梦的旅途。 Designers listen to children's fairy tales, depict their childish dream and childlike innocence, create a mysterious, dreamy, childlike innocence, art interwoven dream tour.
小剧场 《人鱼公主》
小剧场空间引入《人鱼公主》的童话故事,五彩斑斓的水母灯与墙壁两侧的城堡造型相得益彰,是娱乐活动空间更是孩子们展现梦想的舞台,让孩子们在属于自己的世界里自由快乐的寻找属于自己的成长之路。 The theater is recreation space is the children show the stage of dreams, colorful jellyfish lights complement the castle.
公共卫生间 《青蛙王子》
社会体验区 《金银城堡》
公共空间从视觉、色彩、体验、尺度多个角度,融入乐高形象元素,充分挖掘3~5岁小朋友的好奇天性,打造儿童视角下的美好空间,孩子们能够在这个小小天地里自由地探索和学习,从而发挥出最强的潜力。 Lego image elements are integrated into the public space, explore the curious nature of children aged 3~5, create a beautiful space from the perspective of children, it gives children the freedom to explore and learn in this space to reach their maximum potential.
塔状楼梯 《哈利波特》
幼儿园的每一处美好都承载着孩子天马行空的梦想,从虚幻的童话故事到现实的“奇幻小镇”,爱可馨幼儿园完成了化茧成蝶的蜕变。 Every beautiful place in the kindergarten carries the children's unrestrained dreams, from fantasy to reality, Aikexin Kindergarten has completed its transformation.
这里不仅是幼儿园,更是孩子们童话梦想的盛放地,以孩子的视角设计符合孩子天性的幼儿园,小空间,大利用,真正开启孩子的无限可能。 It is not only a kindergarten, but also a place for children to dream of fairy tales, the designer designs from a child's point of view, the smaller space is used more, open up the infinite possibilities of children. 项目名称:爱可馨幼儿园 项目地址:云南--昆明 空间设计:山隐设计集团 室内设计师:李健明 丁昱哲 杨毅 普强福 罗飞 软装设计:赵静怡 李婷 孙志丽 艺术品设计:罗林发 施工:山隐(昆明)分公司 摄影:江河
李健明 著名雕塑艺术家 山隐(北京)设计集团 创始合伙人 DAS大森设计顾问有限公司 创始合伙人 中国室内装饰协会陈设艺术专业委员会 副秘书长 上海市(云南)商会文化艺术专委会 秘书长 荣誉 2015大中华区最具影响力设计机构 2016年中国设计新势力榜 2017年中国室内设计企业百强榜单第35位 2017年中国设计杰出青年设计师 2017年中国设计年度人物精英设计师 2018年玛莎拉蒂中国 展厅艺术策划合作艺术家 2018年CCTV2《交换空间》特邀设计师 2019年玛莎拉蒂中国商业展厅合作设计师
山 居