无论清晨还是傍晚,这座城市总有一盏灯光是属于你的。 无论清晨还是傍晚 猫薄荷 No matter early morning or evening 这座城市总有一盏灯光是属于你的。 There is always a light in this city that belongs to you. 房屋信息 About Room 设计|Design:卢小刚装饰设计 地址|Address:成都保利学府城 面积|Area:118m2 摄影|Film:筑像摄影 服务模式|Mode:纯设计 户型图
设计师物语: 轻奢风真正的意义并不是一种炫耀,而是对生活品质的一种追求,对自我人生的一种价值体现。案例业主对生活品质的要求比较高,从功能、材质到灯光的设计都希望能够使以后的生活变得更加舒适,而生活的本质也不是过于追求华丽和富贵之气,而是轻松舒适的高雅品质。一套清爽、明亮的设计作品往往比豪气的冲天的贵气来的招人偏爱。生活已经如此浮躁,内心的舒适就显得格外重要。 The designer said,The real meaning of light luxury is not a kind of show off, but a kind of pursuit of the quality of life, a kind of value expression of self-life. The owner of the case has relatively high requirements for the quality of life. From the function, material to the lighting design, they hope to make their future life more comfortable. The essence of life is not too much pursuit of gorgeousness and wealth, but relaxed and comfortable elegance. quality. A set of refreshing and bright design works are often preferred over the arrogant and extravagant atmosphere. Life has been so impetuous, inner comfort is extremely important.
映入眼帘的玄关台采用高层设计代替穿鞋椅,搭配底部悬空及中间隔开的鞋柜,方便了进门换鞋和放置钥匙等杂物,上层柜子的玻璃式柜门也增加了空间的通透性和美感。 The porch that comes into view uses a high-rise design instead of a shoe-wearing chair. It is equipped with a shoe cabinet with a suspended bottom and a middle partition, which makes it convenient to enter the door to change shoes and place keys and other debris. Transparency and beauty.
进门往右望去即是层次分明的客餐厅一体,充足的光线照亮全屋,客餐两个空间没有明显的分解,这样做的好处是室内的视野更加开阔了。 When you enter the door and look to the right, you will see a well-structured guest-dining room. There is plenty of light to illuminate the whole house. There is no obvious decomposition between the guest and dining spaces. The advantage of this is that the indoor field of vision is wider.
业主的女儿希望有一个架子鼓区,设计师通过细致划分空间,构思客厅整体布局,为她打造了独有的音乐殿堂。The owner's daughter has always wanted to have a drum area. The designer created a unique music hall for her by carefully dividing the space and conceiving the overall layout of the living room.
沙发靠背后设置的柜子,不但划分了客餐厅空间,还可以作为餐边柜放置餐具物品,实用性和安全感十足。The cabinet set behind the sofa not only divides the space of the guest dining room, but also can be used as a sideboard to place tableware and items, which is practical and safe.
餐桌餐椅的色系,同餐边柜浑然一体,无比和谐。客餐厅一体化,做柜子的隔断设计,不仅通透性比较好,采光也得到了改善! The color system of the dining table and chair is in perfect harmony with the sideboard. The guest restaurant is integrated, and the partition design of the cabinet is not only better for permeability, but also for lighting!
从餐厅往入户玄关看去,明显感觉到线条的利落大方,用上温润的大理石餐桌,搭上舒适的真皮座椅,顶部用一盏水晶吊灯装饰,色彩和材料质感要求到极致,打造了极度舒适的用餐环境。 Looking from the restaurant to the entrance hall, it is obvious that the lines are neat and generous, with a warm marble dining table and comfortable leather seats. The top is decorated with a crystal chandelier. The color and material texture are required to the extreme. Extremely comfortable dining environment.
从侧面往餐厅望去,区域分明,镶嵌在背景墙中的格子推拉门节省空间的同时也让整个餐厅看着更加简约流畅。 Looking at the restaurant from the side, the area is distinct. The lattice sliding doors inlaid in the background wall save space and make the entire restaurant look more simple and smooth.
从近处看餐厅,整体浅白色的空间中加入强烈金属质感的吊顶边框和挂画,搭配艺术吊灯的设计都表现出了业主对轻奢经典元素的喜爱,对生活有着自己的追求,玻璃门的设计增加空间通透感和采光度。餐厅的整体设计在轻奢风格的同时加入必不可少的清爽感,使得整个空间更加舒适有内涵。 Looking at the restaurant from a close up, the overall light white space adds a strong metallic ceiling frame and hanging paintings, and the design with artistic chandeliers shows the owner’s love for light luxury classic elements and his own pursuit of life. The glass door The design increases space transparency and daylighting. The overall design of the restaurant adds an indispensable sense of refreshment while adding a light luxury style, making the entire space more comfortable and connotative.
随着生活品质的提升,促使我们去追寻更深层次的享受——舒适、优雅的生活态度。为了保障睡眠的质量,舒缓心情,往往会在主卧选择浅色系的、柔和的色彩,让空间看起来安静舒适。 As the quality of life improves, we are prompted to pursue a deeper level of enjoyment-a comfortable and elegant attitude towards life. In order to ensure the quality of sleep and ease the mood, light and soft colors are often chosen in the master bedroom to make the space look quiet and comfortable. 灯光对比:
主卧室的背景墙线条与窗帘褶皱互动,强弱、精细、穿插、排布中形成一种幸福的节奏韵律变化。 The background wall lines of the master bedroom interact with the folds of the curtains, forming a happy rhythmic change in strength, fineness, interspersed, and arrangement.
卧室门、挂画与主卫门三者线条相似相融,体现了近大远小的美学韵味。 The bedroom door, hanging picture and the main guard door have similar lines and compatibility, which embodies the aesthetic appeal of near large and small.
定制书柜采用加厚隔板,在充分考虑了家居的装修风格与空间结构基础上,不但增加了书柜的收承重性能,还提高了空间利用率。 The customized bookcase adopts thickened partitions, which not only increases the load-bearing performance of the bookcase, but also improves the space utilization rate on the basis of full consideration of the decoration style and space structure of the home.
回到家中,享受私密安静的休息时光,是很多人都向往的生活样子。拥有一套带有套房功能的主卧,更是难能可贵。设计师设计上充分考虑到了这一点,配备了带独立卫生间和衣帽间的主卧,形成了尊贵私密的主人空间,让生活其中的家人多了一份舒适和愉悦。Back home, enjoying a private and quiet rest time is what many people yearn for. Having a master bedroom with suite functions is even more commendable. The designer Lu Xiaogang has fully considered this in his design, and is equipped with a master bedroom with a separate bathroom and cloakroom, forming a noble and private master space, which makes the family living in it more comfortable and pleasant.
公主风的高低床造型,满屋子的布偶玩具以及整体的脏粉色色彩氛围,让屋主两个可爱女儿化身为小公主,在这里探寻她们的童话世界。 The owner has two cute daughters, the princess-like high and low bed shape, the doll toys full of the house and the overall dirty pink color atmosphere, so that the two children are transformed into little princesses and explore their fairy tale world here.
儿童房窗帘颜色上可以选择色彩鲜艳,带有一些别致造型的窗帘。结合孩子天真的特性和丰富的想象力,设计师选择了一些童趣家具,例如旋转木马灯,大象、斑马凳子,鱼骨形脚垫等,这样不仅孩子喜欢,而且会对成长起到一定的帮助。 Children's room curtains can be brightly colored, with some unique shapes. Combining the children's innocent characteristics and rich imagination, the designer chose some children's furniture, such as carousel lights, elephants, zebra stools, fishbone foot pad,etc.so that not only children like it, but also help growth.
多功能房也可以变成一个储藏收纳室,一个集衣柜+书柜+床体于一身的房间,收纳空间大了一倍! 衣柜可以放一些过季或不常穿的衣物,床体可以放一些过季被子、床褥等,书柜可以放一些书籍和饰品等。 The multifunctional room can also be turned into a storage room, a room with a wardrobe, a bookcase and a bed, and the storage space is doubled! The wardrobe can put some out-of-season or infrequently worn clothes, the bed can put some out-of-season quilts, mattresses, etc., and the bookcase can put some books and accessories.
多功能室可以变身为书房、工作室,只要你想,这个空间是安静的、舒服的、没人打扰的。一个安静的空间给需要安静的自己。The multi-function room can be transformed into a study room or a studio. As long as you want, this space is quiet, comfortable and undisturbed. A quiet space for those who need to be quiet.
所有电器和柜子沿墙面呈一字排开的I形布局,使用双排连壁柜最大限度利用墙面空间,让厨房更加干净整洁,准备区、清洗区和烹饪区都在一条直线上完成,这些人性化的设计细节会给我们带来细致而美妙的厨房体验。All appliances and cabinets are arranged in an I-shaped layout along the wall. Double-row wall cabinets are used to maximize the use of wall space and make the kitchen cleaner and tidy. The preparation area, washing area and cooking area are all completed in a straight line. These humanized design details will bring us a meticulous and wonderful kitchen experience.
厨房旁边的洗衣房与晾晒区,就是非常合适的一种设计方式,这样不仅节省空间,而且晾晒衣服也非常顺手。The laundry room and drying area next to the kitchen is a very suitable design method, which not only saves space, but also drying clothes is very convenient.
卫生间做干湿分离可以显得更加的大气、优雅,设计师将洗手台放卫生间外面,浴室选择了玻璃隔断,使洗手台和装修风格混为一体,这样更显得好看和便捷。The dry and wet separation of the bathroom can be more atmospheric and elegant. The designer puts the sink outside the bathroom, and the bathroom chooses a glass partition to make the sink and the decoration style blend into one, which is more beautiful and convenient
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