本帖最后由 DNA邸内设计 于 2020-12-11 17:47 编辑
“是社会主义风潮带动了包豪斯思想的形成” ——原研哉
Hard and Soft
该项目位于杭州,在符合舒适性与实用性的前提下,发挥空间优势,表现现代年轻化的居家风格。不过分追求装饰性和复杂化,坚持思想融入设计。 The project is located in Hangzhou. Under the premise of comfort and practicality, it will give full play to the advantages of space and express a modern and young home style. Not excessively pursuing decoration and complexity, insist on integrating ideas into design. light and warm
设计师经过了反复的考量和打磨之后生成对空间结构的调整和重塑,增加了空间的通透性和利用度。在保证实用性的前提下,为空间注入了时尚简约的气质。 After repeated consideration and polishing, the designer has adjusted and reshaped the space structure, which has increased the permeability and utilization of the space. On the premise of ensuring practicability, it injects a stylish and simple temperament into the space.
Irregular geometric lines are combined with each other, the undecorated facade shape, and the contrasting colors of red and black form a free and open geometric plane, which lays the style foundation for the space and injects passion and temperature into it.
轻盈简约的线条感、木质与灯光的结合,将原本带有烟火气的餐厅多了一份对品质生活的仪式感。 Light and simple lines, the combination of wood and light, for dining room that have a family atmosphere added a ritual feeling to quality life.
色彩与几何的设计理念已够强烈,因此设计师对于门套进行减法处理,打破常规。创造出有趣的互动视觉。 The design concept of color and geometry is strong enough, so the designer subtracted the door cover to break the routine. Create interesting interactive visions.
When sunlight scattered into the corner of the den, a few favorite book in the edge of a chair, comfortable and cozy.
卧室延续了简约的气质,不需要过多的装饰,呈现优雅内敛的空间。每一处的细节,都表现了设计师对审美质感的要求。 The bedroom continues the simple temperament without excessive decoration, presenting an elegant and restrained space. Every detail expresses the designer's requirements for aesthetic texture.
低饱和度的灰色和米白色,自然与光影的运用,营造出温馨舒适的氛围。 Low saturation gray and off-white, the use of nature and light and shadow create a warm and comfortable atmosphere.
The colour contrast of red and black is passed in dresser, the administrative levels that increases a space feels.
平面图 | Plan
轴测图 | Axonometric
主要材料 | 瓷砖、木地板、艺术涂料、不锈钢、洞石