Project Information | 项目信息 Location:chongqing ,China Compeletion Time :January 2020 Space Design:Jade Simple Design 简璞设计 Design Director:Steven 文超 Design Assistant:Han 张晓寒 · William 魏连徳 Photos from : 言隅空间摄影 · 纳信 & 白居提供
位于重庆 · 解放碑的白居inn,是我们在该区域设计的第三家同类型酒店产品。该项目区别于以往我们以往深挖城市内核的处理手法,同时结合白居品牌自身所要表达的精神诉求。所以我们以“白”、“居”二字作为了整个设计的主体思考核心进行发散。以简约的建筑设计手法、利落的线条与精致的立面,展现出其雅致、轻松的居住氛围与品牌形象。 White inn, located in Jiefangbei, Chongqing, is the third hotel product of the same type designed by us in this region. This project is different from the way we used to focus on city-specific symbols. Considering the spiritual appeal of the brand itself, we took the Chinese characters "Bai" and "Ju" as the core thinking of the whole design(BaiJu means white residence). we would like to show her elegant, relaxed living atmosphere and brand image with simple architectural design techniques, clean lines as well as delicate façade.
As a result, the inner building was reconstructed. Space presents a rich form of rooms after the original lattice of the room reorganization. This not only satisfies the requirements of a multi-room setting but also creates more diverse possibilities for the living experience. Obviously, this is the type of hotel form is different from the traditional hotel key. "residence" interesting, is its core. The core is to live an interesting life while retaining the characteristics of comfortable and convenient.
White is not meaningless,white is the most intuitive form, is a large area of white or similar white material. In the overall use of materials, in addition to the intuitive white we pursue is a plain, simple, rich overall visual experience. the texture of wood,color of low saturation and the form of rich space constitute make people feel multivariate content when they are in a clean and neat environment.
Furthermore, abundant sunshine during the day and gorgeous night scene at night will be included in our design. External relationships are especially important as part of the design elements. During the day, with the change of time, the sunlight makes the originally rich spatial relations become more varied. By contrast, there is to the extension of the visual effect and psychological feelings at night because the night scene lights let the original shackles of architectural form. This is undoubtedly an interesting experience.