地址 / 杭州阳光城上府 类型 / 平层 面积 / 89m2 风格定位 / 日式户型格局 / 三室一厅一卫软装设计及产品 / 之和家居
The master bedroom still uses gray, white, and natural wood colors. The 15 square meters space has also made a small cloakroom hidden in the white folding door, which brings surprises that belong to a small space, simple and practical.
A whole wall of wood-colored holes connects the entrance and the restaurant, making perfect use of the space, which is both beautiful and practical. But the DIY hole board gives this home more room for imagination.
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Removing the liver-colored floor of the original hardcover room is the first step to create a Japanese style. The simple and clean modern Japanese-style living room is mainly light-colored and plain-colored, which looks fresh and simple.
Large-area blank design, no redundant and cumbersome lines, Japanese styles rarely have strong colors, and the enclosed living room is mainly composed of low-key neutral gray fabric sofas, which are both comfortable and cost-effective. The pursuit of natural texture is the concept that Japanese style is always the same. A piece of straw woven jute carpet will make the Japanese flavor more intense.
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A set of Stark dining tables and bull chairs are full of warmth under a beam of warm light. Two cabinets are designed in the area of the original dining room to increase storage space. The built-in refrigerator and oven ensure the integrity and beauty of the dining room. The western kitchen console uses gray as the background wall, which echoes the color of the living room. At the same time increase the sense of hierarchy.
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The master bedroom still uses gray, white, and natural wood colors. The 15 square meters space has also made a small cloakroom hidden in the white folding door, which brings surprises that belong to a small space, simple and practical.
The corner of the bed in the master bedroom is the most favorite corner of the owner. I did not choose the headlamp, and the two warm lights at the bedside are very healing. In order to unify the whole master bedroom, the bay window is also made of wood veneer.
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The second bedroom is the parent's room, and the color system is the same as that of the master bedroom. The difference is that the light beige background wall is chosen, which adds a sense of elegance and tranquility.
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The tatami room with richer "Japanese style" is undoubtedly the most comfortable space in this home. With large windows on both sides and venetian blinds with excellent light transmission, this room becomes extremely transparent. The powerful storage space under the tatami mat is the reason why small apartments have to love it.
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In order to carry out the Japanese style to the end, the kitchen has also undergone a major transformation, and the cabinets, walls and floors have been redesigned. On the basis of the original cabinet, an open storage cabinet was added on the left side to make reasonable use of the originally embarrassing space.
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Because there is only one bathroom in the house, the designer changed it into a form of separation of wet and dry to facilitate simultaneous use of the space. In addition, a half-height wall is also designed in the sink area to provide a wider view.
About Her
秋田 / 媒体工作者 / 单身 / 呆萌属性
从看房到购买大概只花了半天的时间! 本来一直在看其他小区的几套房,陆续看了几周,但因为各种原因都没有购买,直到看到这套,觉得还不错,刚好前业主就住在附近,于是直接开车到她家里,意外地聊得很来,于是和她谈妥签合同,半天时间内就完成了购房。
Q:对家的构想: 日系、北欧、原木、极简风 装修之前翻了好多案例,因此一开始对想要的风格就很明确,和设计师沟通的时候也是非常简单干脆,最终呈现出来的效果完全符合预期~(感谢波哥!)
Q:家里喜欢的一角? 主卧的床头一角。 深灰色床褥搭配原木床头柜,暖黄色的氛围灯照下来,非常美。
Q:你最庆幸这次装修做的哪些决定? 我是精装修大拆改,所以最庆幸的应该是咬咬牙把全屋几乎都拆了个遍,光从现在的成品图看完全看不出精装修时的印记。
Q:装修过程中有什么开心或者感动的事情? 某天和地板师傅、水电工师傅一起辛勤劳作,那天波哥也来啦,上午我们一起安装宜家的博阿克塞衣柜,中午收拾地板废屑,下午给水电师傅打下手,是忙碌疲惫但充足的一天,回想起就会有种参与了新家建设的幸福感。
Q:请给即将装修的朋友一点小建议吧 有条件一定要上地暖,有条件一定要上地暖,有条件一定要上地暖(重要的事情说三遍)
/ Floor plan 平 面 图