这一次 我们打破沉闷,革新繁复 将明快与利落平衡糅合 清雅亦新喜 简约愈大气 东海·贵和府展览样板房——山东·德州 Donghai Guihefu Exhibition Model Project
▲ 入户玄关,温润典雅,指尖般细腻勾勒天然韵致的中式韵味。 The entrance porch is warm and elegant with delicate fingertips, which outlines the natural charm of Chinese style.
▲ 客厅雅正,沿用中式对称布局,盛开的红梅平衡了电视墙的肃穆。 The living room is elegant and upright, with Chinese symmetrical layout. The blooming red plum balances the solemnity of the TV wall.
▲ 殷红色的座椅,呼应盛开的梅花,神来之笔莫属沙发抱枕与桌上花瓶,细微的点缀中,盛开雅致的美感。 The red seats echo the blooming plum blossom, and the magic pen is the sofa pillow and the vase on the table. In the subtle embellishment, the elegant beauty is in full bloom.
▲ 餐厅——惊艳的东方极致感。点缀着餐厅的火红座椅,与明亮的大理石地面;一个是古貌风韵入画,一个是现代元素入室,在红色与金色的碰撞下,得到更极致的展现。 Restaurant - amazing Oriental ultimate feeling. The red seats in the dining room are decorated with bright marble floors; One is the ancient charm of painting, the other is the modern elements into the room, in the collision of red and gold, get more extreme show.
▲ 荼白色的墙面,红梅盛放。用以绯红色串联起主卧的静谧与安雅。一呼一吸中,身心得到更好的放松。 Tea white wall, red plum blossom. Use crimson to connect the tranquility and elegance of the master bedroom. In a breath, the body and mind get better relaxation.
▲ 主卧整体采用檀木色,简约质感在白色纱织窗帘的衬映下,呈现出一份高级质感与简约美感。 The main bedroom adopts sandalwood color as a whole, and the simple texture is reflected by the white yarn woven curtain, showing a high-level texture and simple aesthetic feeling.

◉ 项目档案 项目名称 | 德州·东海贵和府样板间 硬装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 软装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 完工时间 | 2021年3月 项目地点 | 山东-德州