雾霾灰 代表的是一种 随性自在、心安无欲 当新中式遇见雾霾灰 当古典邂逅高级 氤氲一份浪漫气韵
东海·贵和府展览样板房——山东·德州 Donghai Guihefu Exhibition Model Project 新中式,一重于继承中式内涵,以其为基调,二重于融合现代,以新为方向。 东海·贵和府项目,以淡然轻和的复古新中式为基调,精雕细刻,雅然成趣。
▲ 入户玄关,矫健强壮的马儿身旁,茂盛的迎客松正值其后,一静一动的组合,勾勒出粗犷中难得的静谧与舒适。 Entering the porch, beside the strong horse and the lush welcome pines, a combination of stillness and movement outlines the rare quietness and comfort in the ruggedness.
▲ 背景墙的金色叶子,在客厅空间中夺得更耀眼的关注,它所凸显出一份向上的蓬勃,让灰色的背景墙多一份活泼与雅趣。 The golden leaves of the background wall win more dazzling attention in the living room space. It highlights an upward flourish and makes the gray background wall more lively and elegant.
▲ 骏马昂首而立,龙马精神呼之欲出。 The spirit of dragon and horse is ready to come out.
▲ 书房——荼白色墙体在朦胧温和的灯光下,愈加温暖,简约的书架似是历经时间的沧桑……水墨地毯犹如点睛之笔,为书房增添一份磅礴之气。 Study - the white wall of tea is warmer and warmer under the dim and mild light. The simple bookshelf seems to be the vicissitudes of time... The ink carpet is like a finishing touch, adding a magnificent atmosphere to the study.
▲ 饱满与丰盈感,在抱枕与插画的映衬下愈加强烈。与其他空间的雾霾蓝隔离,卧室采用具有温暖质感的米色调,让家多一份温馨暖意。 Full and rich feeling, in the pillow and illustration of the contrast more and more strong. Separated from the haze and blue in other spaces, the bedroom adopts the beige tone with warm texture, which makes the home warm and warm.
▲ 餐厅周正典雅,与热烈的烟火气相比,黑色的餐椅与白色的餐桌,平衡了热烈的烟火气,从心底到感官,由内之外散发出一份精致与气韵。 The restaurant is elegant. Compared with the warm pyrotechnic atmosphere, the black dining chair and the white dining table balance the warm pyrotechnic atmosphere. From the bottom of the heart to the senses, it exudes a delicacy and charm from the inside out.
◉ 项目档案 项目名称 | 德州·东海贵和府样板间 硬装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 软装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 完工时间 | 2021年4月 项目地点 | 山东-德州