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春天树儿童之家 | 日托 | 0-6岁教育综合体
该项目场地是商业建筑 共三层结构,是0-6岁儿童的教育综合体,教育板块分别为:0-3岁早教班,2-6岁蒙氏日托班,并配备感统教室,美术教室,乐高教室,KMI全脑教室,儿童DIY厨房,儿童积木游乐区,绘本阅读区等功能。
▲ 一层前厅接待区
The reception area in the front lobby creates an open environment to link the spaces in an orderly manner. The sense of space is distinct. The overall use of wood tone, the environment is simple and elegant without losing the innocence. When the game combination is designed, partition games are set, and they are 0-3 years old. Small crawl space for little babies and big sports game environment for 3-6 years old.
▼ 二层托育中心入口处
The second-floor space is an independent childcare part. The pink and green colors are used to create a relaxed and warm and comfortable atmosphere for young babies. In the design, we use simple and clear house shapes as the through elements to make the space as a whole simple and lively.
▼ 三层早教中心绘本游戏区
In the design, we reserved 100 square meters in the three-story space for children and parents to create parent-child time for picture book reading, and prepared fun game corners for children, so that children can grow up happily in the environment, creating an educational experience. Happy environment atmosphere
项目名称:春天树儿童之家 | 托育中心
项目地点:广东省茂名市 项目面积:2200平方米 设计时间:2019年8月
完工时间:2020年3月 主创设计:王月 (Mail:yue-space@qq.com) 设计公司:晓筑建筑装饰设计有限公司 项目主材:阿姆斯壮地胶、德国杜芳漆、水波纹镜面不锈钢、空心砌块砖、科定木饰面