本帖最后由 hfshenling 于 2021-9-13 17:34 编辑
The proper proportion and pleasant colors
户型 / 125㎡三室两厅两卫
地址 / 合肥-徽创君泊
风格 / 现代简约
In the square inch, the temperament is fully manifested.
In the urban time, freedom and self coexist, layer by layer, harmony and unity,order and balance.
从自由意象落笔,细节微缩到空间各处,以办公、互动为中心的客厅, 每一处光影交叠,均是空间情境体验的凝结,格调中雅意顿生。
The free image is combined with the details, the living room is centered on office and interaction, and life is all in the light and shadow.
餐厅石材、木饰面的自然纹理满溢天然质感, 玻璃屏风装饰兼具遮挡入户视线,带来更稳定的空间情绪,为餐厨区域引入艺术化的叙事结构。
The stone and wood veneers of the restaurant have natural textures, and the glass screen decoration can block the view of the home, making the entire restaurant area more artistic.
而卧室由原始户型固定的入口秩序,在餐厅转角处被打破、重组—— 喧嚣到静谧的对比,温润与克制的混搭,内外之间自然转合,亦是场所精神的独特注脚。
The order of the bedroom entrance has been broken and reorganized- noisy to quiet, gentle to restraint, and the natural connection between inside and outside explains the spirit of the place.
在这个弱化了客厅概念的专属空间中,方寸间的自由行走,都充满乐趣, 这种洄游式的探索,脱离既有模式的束缚,剥离出独一无二的姿态。
In this space that weakens the concept of the living room, every free walk is full of fun. This kind of migratory exploration is unique.
深零从居者的真实需求出发,会景生心,体物得神, 希望每一次于此的停驻观望,都是一段空间与人文的交互, 为都市生活中的人们赋予更多美好记忆。
Shen Ling starts from the real needs of residents, and hopes that every time here is an interaction between space and humanities, leaving more beautiful memories for you.