
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
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Olga Ashby
Olga Ashby Interiors创始人

Olga Ashby Interiors由女神级设计师Olga Ashby 创立于2014年,总部位于伦敦,并先后在莫斯科、摩纳哥和梅杰夫设立分公司。作为一家年轻工作室,Olga Ashby的创意和专业为客户量身定制的精致与个人风格,让她成为英国顶流富人御用设计师。

Olga Ashby Interiors by goddess level designer Olga Ashby was founded in 2014, headquartered in London, and has set up a branch in Moscow, Monaco and megeve. As a young studio, Olga Ashby's creative and professional tailored for the customer the delicate and personal style, let her become the top flow rich silk designer.

这里是戴安娜王妃曾经居住的社区,伦敦顶级富人区 从企业家到明星,再到政客都在这里居住。这是一位法国作家80m2单身复式公寓 ,为了完成梦想中的家,她把这个任务交给了设计创意女神Olga Ashby。于是,有了这个充满自然气息的空间,在复杂空间结构里带来诗意优雅!设计师运用摈弃所有传统设计元素,大胆创作,全屋采用米白色包裹,浑然一体,打造的犹如女王的梦幻城堡,舒适而优雅。

Here is the princess Diana used to living in the community, London's top rich people's region from entrepreneurs to stars, politicians to live here. This is a French writer 80 m squared single duplex apartment, in order to complete the dream home, she give the task to design the goddess Olga Ashby. So, the space of a full of natural breath, in the complex space structure brings poetic grace! Designers use reject all traditional design element, the bold creation, whole house wrapped with rice white, one integrated mass, build as the queen's dream castle, comfortable and elegant.

屋主人Cassandre Bultheel (左) 与设计师 Olga Ashby (右)

这并非巧合Marie-Cassandre Bultheel选择伦敦的切尔西顶级富人区,曾经是戴安娜王妃居住的社区,与不可否认的魅力,吸引了许多法国人——因为她有回家的感觉。为了寻找完美的居所,作为企业家和作家的她把目光投向第二帝国风格的建筑位于伯爵法庭广场,从外观上就立刻引起了她的注意,并一见钟情。

It is no coincidence that Marie-Cassandre Bultheel chose London’s Chelsea neighbourhood—an area that was once home to Princess Diana, with undeniable charm that attracts many French people—for her home. After searching for the perfect place, the entrepreneur and writer set her sights on a Second Empire-style building located in Earl’s Court Square, which immediately caught her attention from the exterior. Inside, too, it was love at first sight.

“当我走在公寓里,我知道这是一个”,Bultheel回忆说。一次她和她的室内设计师Olga Ashby都很了解这个地方的历史,他们都意识到,这就是命运的巧合。

“As soon as I stepped in the apartment, I knew it was the one”, Bultheel remembers. Once she and her interior designer Olga Ashby learnt about the history of this place, they both realised that it was almost like destiny.


Spread over 80 square metres, the two-level, one-bedroom apartment was very well proportioned, so the potential was clear, yet the old space was totally soulless. “Marie-Cassandre, however, could see straight through it and made a quick purchase,” Ashby confesses.


With its five-metre-high ceilings and three big windows, the living area is bathed in natural light. The staircase leads to the bedroom, bathroom and study, nestled in the original curved mezzanine, which brings a unique character to the whole apartment and quickly became the common thread to the interior design. “Marie-Cassandre loves all sort of arches and niches,” adds Ashby. “We tried to integrate them everywhere.”

这第一步,两位女士开始思考整个概念,让空间传达主人的对环境负责的生活方式和信仰。一旦她们的愿景明确后,Bultheel和Olga Ashby用近乎偏执的细节,达到设计目的,选择自然和丰富的纹理材质,大多数材料都选择价值观相同的供应商。材料选择和普通公寓有很大不同,这就是这个家迷人之处。

With this first step done, the two women started to think about the whole concept, which had to reflect the owner’s environmentally responsible lifestyle and beliefs. As soon as their vision was clear, Bultheel and Ashby followed it with an almost obsessive precision to get exactly the planned result, which translated into natural and rich textures and as many locally produced pieces as possible. “The materials chosen for an urban apartment are surprising, but this is what makes it charming and different,” Bultheel notes.

虽然地处喧闹的城市,这里却是伦敦的中心瑰宝,Olga Ashby定了一个朴实的基调和避免采用任何大胆或明亮的色调。她混合不同类型的彩色石材、亚麻、羊毛羊绒和微水泥等纹理和材料,这些材质赋予空间不同的优雅。

With the objective of designing a sanctuary in the middle of a big noisy city, Ashby gave priority to an earthy palette and avoided any bold or bright hues. She mixed different types of finishes of the same coloured stone, combining rough linen with wool-cashmere blends, as well as wood—sourced from sustainable forests—with microcement.

微水泥不是伦敦最受欢迎的材料,不容易找到一个好的厂家,最终在伦敦找到了这个合作商 。查看了十多个样品之后,才找到一个合适与地板和墙匹配的颜色。屋主人超爱我们定制的咖啡桌,它可以让主人邀请朋友,举行派对。

“Microcement is not the most popular material in London and it was not easy to find a good specialist, as we had plenty of bespoke pieces to make,” says the interior designer who ultimately chose Microcement London. “We checked more than a dozen samples before finding a right shade working with the flooring and wall colour. I love how our bespoke coffee table turned out. We paired it with the step, which can be used as a bench when Marie is hosting bigger parties.”


For the homeowner, one of the key aspects was to create her cocoon based on her need for harmony. “I called on a feng shui expert,” Bultheel says. “To allow me to meditate and write on a daily basis, the space had to focus on wellbeing.” And this is exactly what has been achieved.

软饰面和流线型的家具带给空间以优雅和温婉,很多家具都由Olga Ashby亲自挑选和定制,包括非洲的凳子和一个印度的烛台。

The soft palette and fluid forms give rhythm to the warm space, where several pieces of custom-made furniture by Olga Ashby dialogue with Marie-Cassandre’s personal belongings, including an African stool and an Indian candlestick, among many other items.

“作为充满激情的旅行者, Bultheel希望展示她收藏的来自不同国家的文化艺术品,以及古董书籍,而这些精美与空间浑然一体的装饰架成了必需品,”Olga说道。

"As a passionate travelers, Bultheel wants to show her collection of cultural works of art from different countries, as well as antique books, one integrated mass of decorative frame and the elegant and space becomes a necessity," said Olga.


Because only one person to live for a long time, designers have no bedroom into a closed room on the second floor, but open out, breathing with the whole space.

“当你进入房子,它对每个人都有家的感觉,以至于不想离开,”Olga Ashby说。“宁静的空间和温暖的氛围。“Bultheel,这种感觉使得她享受每一天。“在这里,我完全平静,”她总结道。

“The moment you enter the house it feels like home for everyone; people literally don’t want to leave,” Ashby says. “The atmosphere of peace and warmth is in the air.” For Bultheel, this feeling is something she is grateful to experience each and every day. “Here, I am completely serene,” she concludes.


Toilet and no solid wall design, those who replace is half partition that appear with shade, keep the space appear a gender, both can both private demand.

Cassandre Bultheel 与Olga Ashby






琚宾 2021-11-10 15:42 来自: 江苏无锡
真的是女神啊 设计优雅 人也有品位
℡空心菜︶ㄣ_| 2021-11-11 14:10 来自: 北京海淀
没记住方案啥样  就记住美女了
hdmcity 2021-11-12 08:10 来自: 中国
guochengcheng 2021-11-12 14:51 来自: 山东烟台
渲淡 2021-11-12 20:37 来自: 四川成都
没记住方案啥样  就记住美女了                                                 


看来大家的眼光是他么的出奇的一致  详情 回复 发表于 2023-2-27 15:18
qpstudio 2021-11-12 20:41 来自: 山东青岛
谢谢分享 66666666666
kikivp 2021-11-15 12:10 来自: 广东深圳


啥东西 妞子?  详情 回复 发表于 2023-2-27 15:18
梦幻枫叶 2022-2-15 10:34 来自: 广东广州
生当为人杰 2022-3-11 16:15 来自: 山东烟台
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