
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
The best buildings are like this. Weare deep in it, but we don't know where nature ends and art begins.

入口 Entrance


      The project is located in hechai buildingprotection zone, and the original buildings where the base is located areconsidered to be partially retained. Usually, when facing such buildings, wehope to reshape new architectural forms. However, history cannot bewhitewashed. We have the responsibility to continue the history of a certainperiod of time, so that future people can see and feel the traces left by timeat a certain stage, and experience the changes with the development of timesand technology, The cultural connotation brought by the construction methodsand aesthetic system in different periods. So what we need to do is continue,not destroy.

Basedon the architectural design concept of "simplicity","lightness" and "thinness", the overall architectural formis light, free, simple, flowing and harmonious with nature. Design seeks theharmony between man-made structures and existing structures in nature, helpspeople return to the original connection with nature, and liberates theshackles of the city on the human body.

院落 Courtyard

      The design attempts to supplement the traditionalarchitecture with modern methods and concepts, so as to create an unprecedentedbroad landscape in the site. For example, the facade of the building on thewest side has been expanded, and the new floor glass covers the skin of the oldbuilding. The old history has been continued and new life has been obtained atthe same time.
The new and the old, the history and the future, theinheritance and innovation, are all gradually integrated in this place andgradually experienced by people entering it.

Inthe preliminary survey stage of the design, we found two cedars facing the westat the junction of the new and old buildings, so we laid a Waterscape in frontof the two cedars and put the entrance to the building here, finally forming amore interesting relationship. People are attracted by the new buildings andthen go to the old buildings. For example, two cedar trees about the same ageas the old buildings become the end view, and then enter the new buildingsthrough the bottom of the rotating stairs, thus creating a very interestingbehavior experience.


      Thetop of the curve looks like an unfolded petal, free and light. The round steelcolumn is both a structure and decoration. It is arranged on both sides withdense rooms, as if the outdoor woods are abstractly introduced into theinterior, which is natural and interesting.

楼梯 Stair

     The spiral staircase is like a portal between the old andnew worlds, cleverly placed at thejunction of the old and the new.

卡座区 Cardseat area

     The top shape of the curve is like an unfoldedpetal, free and light. The circular steel column is both a structure anddecoration. It is densely arranged on both sides, and it seems to introduce theoutdoor woods into the interior abstractly, which is natural and interesting.The light glass facade and outdoor green shade, rhythmic columns and changinglight and shadow on one side, each detail of the design is rooted in thenatural context, so as to form a suitable design language on the ground.

    The construction of green plant walls and thetoilet area supported by white steel columns, the free flow of water,everything is so natural

     "Freedom" is not a goal, but a means.The so-called freedom is to create more diverse buildings as much as possible,and change buildings into new landscapes with the help of the grasp ofenvironment, nature and scale, so as to discover a new world.


     The plane layout uses the waterscape space atthe entrance to introduce the flow of people indoors, and then transition fromthe front hall to the hall. The indoor and outdoor levels and relations are toonatural. The vertical traffic mainly connects the flow of people from the firstfloor to the second floor and the viewing platform at the top with the help ofwhite rotating stairs.

项目名称: PRAJNA
设计时间: 2020 年 3月
完工时间: 2020年 6月
涉及范围: 室内设计,灯光设计,门头设计
项目地点: 安徽 合肥 合柴
设计团队:   ASL建筑
总设计师: 王梦来
核心设计: 王梦来、何文静、刘江、王莹莹、孙玮、邬成城
参与设计: 朱晶晶、张宁、邓一平、刘沙
甲方团队: 深圳般若景观设计院
灯具提供: 石客照明
摄影团队: 华缤 建筑空间摄影
      ASL. Architecture consists of a young team focusing on the spatial techniques of architectural art and structure. Architectural and interior works have won many awards and attracted the attention of authoritative media in the industry. It mainly serves all kinds of high-quality buildings, commercial and other public space design projects and integrated construction. It is committed to providing complete solutions for the project, considering the planning and design of architectural and commercial space, the matching of soft decoration, and the extension and application of the brand in architectural and commercial space from the perspective of brand development
ASL 建筑

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madonna762276 2021-11-25 12:17 来自: 广东
陈朝孟 2021-11-26 16:12 来自: 中国

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