礼之于人,犹酒之有蘖也,不可或缺。为人处世彬彬有礼,待人接物亦有其宾客之礼。有朋自远方来,不管是清茶淡话的恬静闲适,还是悬榻留宾的赤诚以待,都应是走心而非流于形式,不拘于繁文缛节。宾至如归,相谈甚欢就是最好的待客之道。 Etiquette for people is just as distiller's yeast for wine. Both are indispensable. Be polite and courteous when doing things, and treat others as guests when getting along with them. When a friend comes from afar, he should be treated sincerely rather than in a manner that is merely formality or is constrained by red tape, either in a quiet, leisure talk with tea served or when he is sincerely accommodated for the night. Making the guest feel at home and having a good conversation with him is the best way of hospitality.
而今社会,人与人之间的距离被科技拉近,却也聚少离多。久别重逢之际,似乎总是非盛宴华筵不得尽兴,但这样的场合又往往叫人难以放松。丰沛的物质试图填满彼此的距离,杯盏碰在一起,人心却难聚。 In today’s society, the distance between people is drawn closer by technology, but they tend to spend more time apart than together. When reuniting after a long-time separation, it always seems that they cannot enjoy themselves if they do not have a big feast. Anyhow, it is hard for them to relax on such occasions. People try to draw the distance between them closer through the abundant materials. But, their hearts are difficult to get together.
千田一厨海鲜火锅餐厅是我们为寻找二者之间平衡点所做的一次尝试。 Chintin Top Kitchen is an attempt we have made to strike a balance between the two.
这里位于深圳CBD却比邻街心公园,坐拥整片小树林,是绝妙的观景处。得天独厚的地利使秀丽的自然景观成为一大亮点。 It is located in the CBD of ShenZhen but next to the street garden. You can see the entire small wood by sitting in the restaurant, which is a wonderful sighting-seeing place. The unique geographical location makes the beautiful natural landscape a highlight.
基于海鲜火锅的主题引申出水的概念,在设计中加入了很多相关的元素以突显餐厅的主题。 The concept of water is derived based on the theme of seafood hotpot, and many related elements are included in the design to highlight the theme of the restaurant.
▲菜品 / 摄影鲜超
碳灰与金属黑色作为空间的基调铺陈开来,干净深远,衬托着大面积晶莹剔透的水纹玻璃。 Carbon grey and metallic black unfold as the tone of the space, clean and profound, setting off a large area of crystal clear water glass.
窗外层层掩映的树枝绿意盎然,微风吹过,树影婆娑,俨然一张生动的自然绘卷。光透过冰晶般的玻璃进入,产生斑驳流转的光影,如梦如幻,水光潋滟。 The tree branches outside the window are full of green. The dancing tree shadows are just like a vivid picture of nature when the breeze blows. Light enters into the window through the ice-like glass and creates the dreamlike, mottled flowing light and shadow, with brimming waves.
想象火锅的热气弥散开来,幻化成光的水纹,聚合成冰晶玻璃。就如同水,蒸腾成汽,凝结成冰,又重新融化成水,三者相生,生生不息。 Just imagine that the hot air in the hotpot diffuses, becomes the water marks of light, and aggregates into ice crystal glass. Just like water, the air becomes steam through evaporation, condenses into ice, and melts into water again. The three coexists with each other and grows endlessly.
海鲜珍品以珠宝展柜的形式安于一侧,海鲜鱼池流淌着真实的水,而餐厅里则流淌着虚幻的水,虚实交错。 Seafood is placed in jewelry display cabinets at one side. Real water flows in the seafood pool, and illusory water runs in the restaurant, with a combination of reality and virtuality.
一帘帘水纹玻璃将人们包裹其中,为欢快的聚餐提供庇护,不受打扰。 Water glass wraps around people and provides a shelter for happy gatherings, without being disturbed.
走廊呼应着循环的流动的水,一脉曲线环绕着包间于尽头交汇,蜿蜒曲折,循环不止。一眼难以看穿,只有人们行走于其中,山穷水尽疑无路之时,方才得见又一房间入口。 The corridor echoes the circular flowing water. And several curves wrap around the compartment, meet in the end, and keep winding, with an endless circulation path. It is difficult to see them through at one glance. And the door to a room can be seen only when people are walking in the curves for them to go.
走廊呼应着循环的流动的水,一脉曲线环绕着包间于尽头交汇,蜿蜒曲折,循环不止。一眼难以看穿,只有人们行走于其中,山穷水尽疑无路之时,方才得见又一房间入口。 The corridor echoes the circular flowing water. And several curves wrap around the compartment, meet in the end, and keep winding, with an endless circulation path. It is difficult to see them through at one glance. And the door to a room can be seen only when people are walking in the curves for them to go.
装置挂件呈现出各式各样有趣的形态,圆,凹进去的圆,折叠的圆,球型的,半球的,巧思独具的设计,精巧镶嵌于各个空间之中,等着人们去发掘。 The pendants of the devices take a variety of forms, such as circles, recessed circles, folded circles, spheres, and hemispheres. The ingenious and unique design is delicately embedded in spaces, waiting for us to explore.
装置挂件呈现出各式各样有趣的形态,圆,凹进去的圆,折叠的圆,球型的,半球的,巧思独具的设计,精巧镶嵌于各个空间之中,等着人们去发掘。 The pendants of the devices take a variety of forms, such as circles, recessed circles, folded circles, spheres, and hemispheres. The ingenious and unique design is delicately embedded in spaces, waiting for us to explore.
一隅由沙发茶几组成的会客空间,让人可以在餐饱餍足后小憩一会,就如同在自家的客厅里懒坐闲聊,悠然自得。这一刻,治愈身心。 A meeting space at the corner, consisting of sofas and coffee tables, allow you to take a nap after you are full, just as if you sat and chat in your own living room in a leisure and self-satisfied way. At this moment, both your body and mind will be healed.
在这里,人与空间的关系是通透舒服的,好友亲朋之间的关系是轻松自然,亲密无间的,但自身与他人的关系又是朦胧神秘的,带着各自的隐私。这正是我们对待客之道的理解,环境惬意怡人又精致用心,会面轻松愉悦不拘束,身体是轻盈的,心灵是自由的。 Here, you will feel the clear and comfortable relationship between people and space, relaxed, natural and intimate relationship among friends and relatives, but vague and mysterious relationship between you and others, with respective privacy. This is just our understanding of the way in which we treat guest
在这里,人与空间的关系是通透舒服的,好友亲朋之间的关系是轻松自然,亲密无间的,但自身与他人的关系又是朦胧神秘的,带着各自的隐私。这正是我们对待客之道的理解,环境惬意怡人又精致用心,会面轻松愉悦不拘束,身体是轻盈的,心灵是自由的。 Here, you will feel the clear and comfortable relationship between people and space, relaxed, natural and intimate relationship among friends and relatives, but vague and mysterious relationship between you and others, with respective privacy. This is just our understanding of the way in which we treat guest
项目信息Information━项目名称:千田一厨 Project Name: CHINTIN TOP KITCH 项目地点:深圳福田 Project Location: Shenzhen Futian 项目面积:545㎡ Project Area: 545㎡ 设计机构:XIN辛视设计 Design Institute: Shenzhen Xin Shi Decoration Design Co., Ltd. 设计主持:辛军 Chief Designer: Xin Jun 设计参与:辛科、黄城、叶颖婷、黄帼薇、张坚、陈达标 Design Participation: Xin Ke, Huang Cheng, Ye Yinting, Huang Guowei, Zhang Jian, Chen Dabiao 施工团队:恒昌工程 Construction Team: Hengchang project 业主代表:丘宇品 Owner's Representative: Qiu Yupin 设计时间:2020年12月 Design Time: December 2020 竣工时间:2021年7月 Completion Time: July 2021 项目摄影:山外视觉(标注除外) Project Photography: SUNWAY(Except notes) 视频制作:山外视觉 Video Production: SUNWAY 主要材料:水磨石、水纹玻璃、不锈钢、岩板、墙布、玻璃砖 Main Materials: terrazzo, water glass, stainless steel, sintered stone, wall covering, glass brick
XIN辛视设计创始人、设计总监,毕业于意大利米兰理工设计学院,专注于空间环境整体设计,主张做恰到好处的设计,有情感的空间,致力于用好的设计创造价值,创造美好生活。以躬行实践探索设计的本质,从文学艺术追求设计的精神与诉求,在东方与西方、当代与历史的发展轨迹里,寻找设计的灵感,力求为每个空间营造其该有的空间氛围,创造出独有的空间气质,让人为之动容。 Mr. XIN, founder and design director of Xin Shi Design, was graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Milan,Italy.Focus on the design of space environment, he advocates doing moderate design and emotional space, think good design can create value and a good life. Explore the expression and essence of design through practice, pursue the spirit and appeal of design from literature and art, find inspiration of design in the development track of east and west, contemporary and history, and strive to find the space atmosphere for each space, so as to achieve a more perfect scene experience.
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