本帖最后由 臻观设计 于 2023-7-21 18:29 编辑
繁华阅尽 归于本真才是一切美好之始 向光而行 探索理想生活的熠熠光辉 怀揣期待与向往 解码阳光的艺术之境
阳光艺境售楼处——山东·德州 The Art Mansion Modern Exhibition Model Project
▲ 螺旋式阶梯,宛若仙界入口,优雅从容;纯粹的雪白,突破空间束缚,蜿蜒着自由地延伸。 Deep visual feeling, breaking the sense of boundary of art. The art of home can be displayed at the moment of opening the door. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF52F.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF540.tmp.jpg
▲ 繁星般的点缀,让这仙气更多了份迷离。艺术的张力,不仅仅是建筑的设计表达,更是一份寄托希冀与向往的传承。 The star like embellishment makes the immortal spirit more blurred. The tension of art is not only the design expression of architecture, but also an inheritance of hopes and aspirations. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF541.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF542.tmp.jpg ▲ 阳光之下,万物生。恬静的午后,阳光下的片刻小憩,是理想生活的自然流露。 Everything grows in the sun. A quiet afternoon and a short rest in the sun are the natural expression of an ideal life. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF543.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF544.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF545.tmp.jpg
▲ 艺术,从来不是割裂的,是融合于整体环境的分子式。点睛一笔平衡整体的环境气场,构造更加完美一幕。 Art has never been separated, but a molecular formula integrated into the overall environment. The highlight is to balance the overall environmental atmosphere and construct a more perfect scene. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF555.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF556.tmp.jpg
▲ 灯光熠熠,宛若星辰般灵动。开阔的中厅,正是在繁星的照耀之下,将阳光的温暖与烂漫得以诠释。 The lights are shining like stars. The open central hall interprets the warmth and brilliance of the sun under the light of the stars. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsF557.tmp.jpg
▲ 晚霞映衬下的营销中心,呈现出油画般的质感。自然与艺术的微妙平衡中,阳光成就了更为优雅的一刻。 The marketing center against the sunset glow presents an oil painting like texture. In the delicate balance between nature and art, sunshine has achieved a more elegant moment.
◉ 项目档案 项目名称 | 德州·宁津阳光艺境售楼处 硬装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 软装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司 项目地点 | 山东-德州