
25高清案例 SU模型 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
“光赋予美以戏剧性,风和雨通过对人体的作用给生活增添色彩,建筑是一种媒介,使人们去感受自然的存在。”这句话是日本著名设计大师安藤忠雄对「建筑美学」的解读。能够让人产生强烈情感共鸣的建筑从不是只局限于视觉,而是能够通过设计传递出它独有的印记和温度。"Light gives beauty drama, wind and rain add color to life through their effect on the human body, and architecture is a medium to make people feel the presence of nature." This is the interpretation of "architectural aesthetics" by Tadao Ando, a famous Japanese designer. An architecture that evokes strong emotional resonance is never just visual, but conveys its signature and temperature through design.

项目位于四川成都天府大道南段1163号,在形形色色的城南建筑中,以特立独行的姿态收获行人驻足观望的目光,这是一家镌刻着成都印记的文创空间。子集•城市创想空间 :世界与我,互为子集。Located at No.1163, South Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu, Sichuan,。In all kinds of buildings in the south of the city, with a unique attitude to harvest the eyes of pedestrians stop to watch,this project is a cultural and creative space inscribed with chengdus imprint. Subset• Urban creative space:the world and I are subsets of each other.

01. 室外 / 层林尽染的诗意拨开掩映的层层林泉,错落有致的叠水活泼了画面,将人们的视线导向建筑入口。火山岩铸成的角锥形屋顶,在设计上有着北欧风格的简约,选材上则是与成都特有的气候暗合。随着岁月的流转,吸收了湿气的火山岩会长出生机盎然的植被。不局限于当下暂时的美感,在长远处的考虑更加匠心巧藏。Dispelling the layers of forest springs, the strewn water lively the picture, directing peoples eyes to the entrance of the building. The angular conical roof, made of volcanic rock, is designed in a minimalist Nordic style, while the material selection is in harmony with chengdus unique climate. As the years pass, the volcanic rocks absorb moisture and grow vibrant vegetation. Not limited to the temporary beauty of the moment, in the long-term consideration of the more ingenious hidden.

02. 一层 / 星河迭生的浪漫谦谦君子,如星相集。一楼是轻奢中古店与咖啡馆的文化融合,浪漫与闲适是这里与生俱来的气息。中古店进门迎面是一片天空,亚克力片组成的蜿蜒层峦如云,穿插大大小小的星球灯,将人们一下引入宇宙的浩瀚星空中,隔开世界的混沌,与本心相见,展开一段自我探索之旅。Modest gentleman, such as the set of stars. The first floor is the cultural fusion of light luxury shops and cafes, romance and leisure is born here. The face of the door is a piece of sky, acrylic pieces composed of winding mountains like clouds, interspersed with large and small star lights, will lead people into the vast starry sky of the universe, separate the chaos of the world, meet with the heart, and launch a journey of self-exploration.

03. 负一层 / 光影交织的梦幻通往地下的楼梯白墙上可以看见斑驳的树影。蓝色和橙色的碰撞构成了负一层餐厅的主色调,静谧且高级,穿插在座位间的屏风营造着私密感,流线型的阶梯设计多了一丝灵动,让人瞬间就能被代入恍若梦境的氛围中。抬头就能看见星河涌动,波纹形的台阶倒映在光影流转的星空上,光影交织,亦真亦幻。The white walls of the stairs leading to the ground were dappled with the shadows of trees. The collision of blue and orange forms the main tone of the restaurant on the negative floor, which is quiet and advanced. The screens interspersed between the seats create a sense of privacy. The streamlined ladder design adds a touch of flexibility, making people instantly feel like a dream. Look up can see the stars surging, corrugated steps reflected in the flow of light and shadow on the starry sky, light and shadow intertwined, also true also unreal.

04. 二层 / 返璞归真的雅致进入挑空核心区,打通上下两层楼高的书架成为统治性元素。定义了场所主题和精神,抬升了空间的轩敞气度,楼梯处理集成了书架功能包围感十足,让人沉浸在一片安静恬适的氛围之中。城市会客厅最大限度的保留了人们在此休闲沙龙的清净感,原木色的整体色调在视觉上放大空间,简约的同时有着浓烈的格调色彩。Enter the empty core area, open up the upper and lower two-story-high bookshelves become the dominant element. Defines the theme and spirit of the place, elevates the openness of the space, and the staircase treatment integrates the function of bookshelves to create a sense of enveloping, making people immersed in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere. The city reception room retains the pure feeling of people in this leisure salon to the maximum extent. The overall tone of wood color magnifies the space visually, and at the same time has a strong style and color.

05. 眺望台 / 你中有我的交叠闲庭信步地走上二楼的眺望台,可以惊喜的发现这里与室外构造的遥相呼应。阳光投射进来,庭院内的景致被一览无余。植被围绕下的室外咖啡餐吧、庭院的清雅幽然都被尽收眼底,为整个建筑空间提供了精致的景观陪衬。室内外一体的规划,给人一种整体的素雅之感。Leisurely walk up to the balcony on the second floor, you can surprise to find that here and the outdoor structure echoes at a distance. Sunlight streamed in, giving a panoramic view of the courtyard. The outdoor coffee bar surrounded by vegetation and the elegance of the courtyard are all in full view, providing a delicate landscape backdrop for the entire architectural space. The planning of indoor and outdoor integration gives people a sense of simplicity and elegance.

06. 细节 / 镌刻印记的情怀在这里不难察觉到的是处处流淌的锦城印记。随处可见的水波纹是烟霞湖的符号缩写,亚克力板拼接成的山纹吊顶与西岭雪山暗相应和,从低到高的拱形门象征着成都错落有致的地貌。整个建筑都是天府之都影像的缩写,将人文与情怀巧妙结合,搭建出一场精彩绝伦的视觉盛宴。也许正如书店空间里写的那样:世界与我,互为子集。你我包容万象,亦被万象所包容,将这世界的热情与滚烫,尽数收进囊中。It is not difficult to detect here is everywhere flowing jincheng mark. The water ripples everywhere are the symbol abbreviation of Yanxia Lake. The mountain pattern ceiling made of acrylic board splicing is corresponding to the dark xiling Snow Mountain. The arched door from low to high symbolizes the scattered landform of Chengdu. The whole building is the abbreviation of the image of The Capital of Tianfu, which skillfully combines humanity and feelings to build a wonderful visual feast. Or as the book store space says: the world and I are a subset of each other. You and I embrace everything, and we are embraced by everything, and we take in all the passion and heat of the world.

07. 图纸鉴赏 / Appreciation of drawings


项目名称 | 子集·城市创享空间
项目地址 | 天府大道南段1163号大城际
项目面积 | 1100m2设计单位 | YDS姚晓冰设计事务所
主案设计师 | 姚晓冰
辅助设计师 | 廖雅丽 周相如设计
起止日期 | 2021年3月-6月
完工时间 | 2021年9月
主要材料 | 艺术涂料 不锈钢 木饰面 玻璃 天然石材 雕塑
业主名称 | 王旭成
项目摄影 | 窦强

姚晓冰 | Yao Xiaobing
Y.D.S姚晓冰设计事务所   创始人 / 设计总监

Y.D.S 姚晓冰设计事务所

Y.D.S认为设计的本质是设想宁静空间,但又存有温暖和真实感,移除无功能的装饰性元素,将色彩、照明、原材料简化到最少,力求以少胜多、以简胜繁。Y.D.S在新与旧之间做了精心的平衡,通过各种片段的有序并置与分离来复活这些历史,适当地展示原有的历史,并产生了全新的空间。光以亮度和阴影创造了物体的体量,而材料肌理的产生、表达、变化则依靠于同光线产生的共鸣。正是因为光线的存在,才使得空间的物质性和形式感得以充分表达,并且随著光线融入到空间之中。Y.D.S在对光线的理解不仅限于方向、强度和色彩,甚至把光当成一种实体来对待。从纷繁和混沌中去平衡表达的方式。视觉是Y.D.S构建的镜头的截取,希望观者可以自我产生流动的虚像,在物像的几何体和色彩以外,强化我们的感知,接受所有来自空间的引逗,接受不被规定的艺术空间。Y.D.S 荣获设计奖项意大利  | 2020年意大利ADesign Award 两项金奖意大利  | 2020年意大利ADesign Award 铂金奖香港  | 2020年 APIDA亚太室内设计大赛设计奖荷兰  | 2020年 Frame Awards德国  | 2020年 iF DESIGN AWARD法国  | 2019年双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖美国  | 2019年美国“IDA”国际设计大奖德国  | 2019年 German Design Award美国  | 2019年 Best of Year Awards美国  | 2019 Architecture Masterprize美国建筑大师奖英国  | 2019 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards意大利  | 2019年 意大利ADesign Award 国际设计奖新加坡  | 2018年Singapore Interior Design Awards英国  | 2018年LICC英国伦敦国际创意大赛大奖法国  | 2018年 INNODESIGN PRIZE国际创新设计大奖美国  | 2018年 The Architecture Master Prize法国  | 2018 IIDA全球设计大奖中国  | 2018年获得设计影响人物奖联系「Y.D.S姚晓冰设计事务所」☎  18080888884 ;13551378180✉  admin@y-d-s-design.com✈  环球中心W3 2121室






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