In order to overcome the objective factors of the site and better meet the needs of the client, OOAA studio has completed the Baleares villa on the Spanish island of Menorca after three years of work, starting with the 2018 concept.
Baleares villa faces the sea in the north, and sunlight comes from the south. Full natural light is projected on the white walls, which are shaded by trees, and the rough texture is particularly warm. The large beams on the facade not only ensure the relative privacy of the villa, but also become the formal language that defines the interior and exterior. It implies that people enter the shelter of the soul, and the building endows them with enough sense of security.
For each building, a perfect fit with the site is a very meaningful thing, and the studio prides itself on "saving its cost and natural resources while pursuing a timeless and simple architecture". OOAA's commitment to minimalism is unwavering, but minimalism does not mean a lack of complexity. The project, while unique in its architectural character, is unpretentious in its natural surroundings.
“对我来说,极简主义的过程并不是通过自我约束来实现的,与此相反,我更重视留白。”创始人Iker Ochotorena在谈到他想要建筑传达的信息时说:“留白确实等同于虚无,但并不等于不存在,而是存在于任何事物之中,但是我们需要一定的物质参照及客观因素来反衬它,使其更具昭示性,或显而易见的被表达出来。”
“To me, the minimalistic process happens not through a self-restraint exercise, but the opposite: I place value on the vacuum,” says Iker Ochotorena on what he wanted the architecture to convey. “The vacuum is what is in the middle, so we need very few things to create it. It is true that the vacuum is identified with nothingness, but it is not the same because the vacuum needs to be surrounded by elements that create it.”
Baleares别墅充满着修道院般的宁静氛围,在Iker Ochotorena身上,他的作品就像是一个克制的自然主义者在述说着自然的一切。而室内的设计,木工和建筑细节是整个项目的关键,并且所使用的材料都充分挖掘了“岛上的文化”,一一回应着场地的在地性。
The whole project is almost monastic, and Iker Ochotorena's work is like an aesthetical naturalist talking about nature. For the interior, carpentry and architectural details are key to the project, and the materials used are always "island culture".