本帖最后由 臻观设计 于 2023-7-21 18:27 编辑
冬去春归万物生 春山可望郁郁青 昂扬的2022 臻观设计全新启航 这一次,我们去发掘 潜藏在春日里的美好
德州·东海壹号院二期样板间——山东·德州 The Royal Courtyard Exhibition Model Project
何以为春? 春天有阳光味道的洒脱,不争不抢悄然而至; 春天有难以抗拒的魔法,万物归宗萌发活力; 启新年之始,探寻家的美好。
▲ 客厅视野开阔,薄纱下的落地窗,清透春日暖阳;点睛如青黛,让家多了份活泼灵动。 The living room has a wide view, and the French windows under the tulle are clear and warm in spring; The eyes are like indigo naturalis, which makes the home more lively and flexible.
▲ 生活是自己的,种种压力之下,家从来都是承接心灵的宿居。温暖舒适、艺术美学,都应是理想家的模样之一。 Life is your own. Under all kinds of pressure, home has always been the residence of the soul. Warmth, comfort and artistic aesthetics should be one of the appearance of an ideal home. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps6A2B.tmp.jpg ▲ 理想之内,家是多姿多彩的;追求之外,家也是有滋有味的。独特的青黛色,让先锋者的艺术感得以流露。 Ideally, home is colorful; In addition to pursuit, home is also full of flavor. The unique blue and white color reveals the pioneer's artistic sense.
▲ 卧室静谧淡雅。夜深人静时,思忖生命的价值所在。 The bedroom is quiet and elegant. In the dead of night, think about the value of life.
▲ 大理石的冰冷感收服于阳光之下,笔直的线条在有限的空间中获得有序的张力,厚重而饱满。 The cold feeling of marble is subdued by the sun, and the straight lines obtain orderly tension in the limited space, thick and full. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps6A3E.tmp.jpgfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps6A3F.tmp.jpg
▲ 对家的向往,往往超脱于艺术;书房不止于琴棋书画,旷阔的视野才是艺术家的极致追求。 Longing for home is often beyond art; The study is more than piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The artist's ultimate pursuit is a broad vision.

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