ZE | WORKROOM是一家位于莫斯科的建筑和室内设计工作室。定的主要任务是根据客户的真实意愿实施的项目,并将其翻译成建筑语言。在项目中,ZE | WORKROOM从建筑师奠定的基础开始,正在实施的项目在很多年内都保持着相关性和舒适性。 ZE | WORKROOM is a architecture and interior design studio in Moscow. Set according to the customer's real intention is the main task of the implementation of the project, and its translation ChengJianZhu language. In the project, ZE | WORKROOM from architects lay the foundation, is implementing the project for many years to maintain the relevance and comfort..
Zil Art II
Name: Zil Art II
Type: Apartments, 124 sq.m
Design: Zeworkroom
Location: Moscow, Russia